Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. i o . An Expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Verf.22. Dirk houfes are unpleafant, what then is a landof darknefs ? The face ofa man is darkned with forrow,and joy is the light of it, It bath been obferved that fomegreat Princes have had light beam- ing out from their eyes.Arsauftus had fo fparkling an eye,that few Suerouiusin could look upon him:his eyes café forth rayes like the Sun,dazling gugr+fle,c. the beholders. Good, gracious Princes call ont beams offavour upon their people,which refrefh them as the light.Death and the grave have no light in their faces.Death looks black and grim,hell is extreameft darknefs,and the pains of hell are chains of darknefs. And ofthefhadowof death. There is more then the fliadow of death in the grave, death it felfdwells there. The words found an abatement of the fenfe, rerracu) us but indeed they heighten it.The fhadow of death is thickdarknefs, auicél gont, thickfl darknefs, the very firength ofdarknefs. This fhadow is bar mortir. the fubflance ofdeath,or death with addition ofgreatefl deadline's Tare. Job having given the land this dreadful' name,A landof dark; nefs, and ofthefhadow of death,makesit yet more dreadfull by this further explication. A landof darknefs. as darknefs it felf ] Or , A land of dark- Hers , which looks like darknefs: The word figuifieswearinefs, refllefsnefs, and vexation offpirit. To be in a dark condition, is to be in a wearifome condition. The Vulgar reads it, A landof mifery. Some darknefs hath adegree of light mingled with it, but this is pure or unmixed darknefs,darknefs in its proper hue,dark- nefs it Pelf When a man of skill ads skilfully, we fay he ads like himfelf;and when a wicked man Both very.wickedly,we fay., heBoth like himfelf. The darknefs of the grave looks like no- thing but it felf. Every evil,the more like it is to itfelf,the worfe is is.When the A- poftle would thew fin in its colours,he calleth it finfull-fin (Rom. 7.13. }Sinby the commandement became exceedingfinfull,the com- mandement caufed it to look like it fell. Sorrowfull forrow, and painfull pain are the wordofpains and forrows. There is forrow which may confift with Come joy and pain, which may cohabit with tome cafe but be that hath forrow like forrow it felt, and pain likepain it felt, ha the extremity of both. us alto eve- aygood, the more like it is it felf,the better' is ; holinefs like it fell, is the pureft holinefs ; grace-like-it elf, is the fweeteft grace. When a holy man works like himfelf, his work is belt. God