Chap. t0. Expofttiots upon the Beak of J O 1;<e 1yexC22: 5g5 And feeing lobmakes an aggravationof the mifery of death, that it is without order; we may obferve, That order bath an excellency, anda beauty in it. The lets order there is in anyplace or !late, the worfe it is, and where is no order, there it is worfi of all. Civil order is the beautyof Common -wealths, and fpiritual order isthe beauty of the Church. The Apofile rejoyced to behold' the order of the Colofans, as well as their faith ( Col. 2. 5.) His charge to the Co- rinthians is,Let all things be done decently and in order r Cor, 14. 40.) He had warned them (ver. 33.) to takeofdiforder, becaufe God is not the Godof confufion, but ofpeace ; where order is not kept, the peace cannot be kept. Death is evil, and that's without order; hell is worft ofall,and there is no order at all.It is a kinde ("death to fee any diforder,and a very hell to fee all in diforder. And where the light is asdarknefs. Some read by the verb, Where itfbinetb like darknefs, or thus, Ian it lighteth like darknefs.The Vulgar paraphrafes rather then tranflates,Where there it everlajting horrour. Job faid before, it !i radice was a landof darknefs, and ofdarknefs like darknefs itfell: yet V Florn: iea- now he feemeth to affirm, that there is light in the grave, and if duit,futgorent there be,how is that darknefs like darknefs it felf?his meaning is, et magnifren. that which looks molt like to light in the grave,isdarknefs; and it um exacta, is therefore darknefs,like darknefs it felf,becaufe ifyou can imagin Teneéallrefee ;feed?. out c any thing ro-have a thew oflight in the grave,that very light is as Mon. go. Barknets. When the Apofile would invincibly argue the infinite &od in ea wifelom and firength ofGod,he faith, Thefoolifbnefs ofGod is tvi- fpondrdrmut, fer then men, and the weaknefs of God ir¡tronger thenmen(i Cor. i, eSi,eaeg.ini 25)God is only wife,only llrong,how then fpeaks this Apofile of'm`l ß' the foolifhnefs or wcakuefs of God ? His meaning is, look what aE foever of God appLars to man, as having foolifhnefs or weaknefs in it, even that foolifhnefs is wirer, and that weaknefs flronger ;hen men. In what frnfe Paul faith, The foolifhnefs of God w wijdam,the weaknefs of God isfirength,or(which is all one) the darknefs of God is light : in the famejob faith, the light of the grave is darknefs.i:or as God is wifdom,and in him there is no fòolilhnefs at all, fìrength, and in him there is noweaknefs at all, light, and in !aim there is no darknefs at all : fo job fuppofeth of the.grave,that in it there is darknefs,atidtno light at all, while he affirms the light found there is darknefs. Chrifi fpeaks near this F:,f ff language"