Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. ro. An Expoftion upon the Book of J o B. Vert. 22. 587 abollitheddeath, not death it felf( for even beleivers die) but all thetrouble and terrour ofdeath,the darkaefs and the diforder of it, are taken away. Chrifl bath mortified death, kill'd death, fo that now death is not fomuch an opening ofthe door of thegrave, as it is anopening of the door of heaven Chrift who is the San of righteoufnefs,lay in the grave, and hath left perpetual beams of light there for his purchafed people.The way to the grave is very dark, but Chrill hath fet up light for us, or caufed light to Chine into the way.Chrifl bath put death into a method,yea Chri(i bath put death into a kind oflife, or he bath put life into the death of beleivers. All the gatllinets,horrour, yea the darknefs and death of death is removed. The Saints may look upon the grave as a laudof light, like light it felf; yea as a land of life,like life it felf, where there is nothing but order, and where the darknefs is as light. Job'sreply to Bildad and complaints to God have carryed his diftourfe as far as death and the grave, he gives over in a dark difordered place, God flit' leavinghim under much darkuefs,and many diforders of fpirit. As his great afiftions are yet continu- ed, fohis weakneffes continue too. His graces break forth ma- ny times, and fometimes his corruption : both are coming to a further difcovery,while his third friendZophar taks up the buck- lers, and renews the battei : upon what terms he engages with yob, howyob acquits himfelf, and comes off from that engage- ment, is the fumof the four fucceeding Chapters. FINIS.