Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap.8. An Expofition upon the Book, of J O B. Verf.8. 5 3 j O B, Chap. 8. Verf. 8, 9, to. Far enquire, t'pray thee,ofthe former age, and prepare thy felfto thefearch of theirfat hers. (For we are but ofyejierslay, andknow nothing, our dayes upon earth areafbadow) shall not they teach thee, and tell thee,andutter words ou t of their heart? t J'( ]E have opened" the firLE argument, by which Bildad con V/ V firms his propofition laid down at the third verfe, That God is :lull; both from the example of Gods dealing with Jobs children, tierf, 4. and fromwhat God was ready to do for him, in the 5,6, and 7. verfes. The context now read contains a fecond general argument to prove the former affertion, and it is grounded upon the teftimony or authority of the Ancients ; as ifBildadhad Paid thus, I will not prefs theewith my own barefentence, andfay-fo,with my own re if n and authority but Iwith thee to fearch the records offormer or times, to confult the wifeft and the holieft men that ever were in the world, and let them judge in this cafe. Enquire oftheformer age, andprepare thy felf to thefearch of their fathers. It is here obfervable that Bildad manages his counfel by the fame arguments which Eliphaz had ufed before him: Eliphaz bid fob (Enquirewho everperifbedbeing innocent,Chap.4.)and promifes him peace upon repentance (Chap.5.23, 24.) Bildad runs the fame 'train, If thou. wert pure, &c. and here , Enquire of the forme; age, ózc! The ftrength of his argument may be call into this forme. That is true which the holieft andwifeft in all antiquity with ene mouth andone content agree in. But the holieft and zuifeft in all antiquity agree in this, that. Godw juft. Therefore this is a. truth.. Hereupon he inferreth , that God had dealt jualy with Job in confuming his eftate , indeftroying his children, and in afllic;}ing his perfon. That's the logical meaning or argument ofthefe three vertes.. Enquire"