Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

owst,0000CVk00004000 00kk0aada ka.c 4a e&RONgEONN.,,,,.OSONO 0000000001500000000004000 eM00ak000000 TO THE CHRISTIAN READER'. To thofe chiefly ofthis City, who have been theMovers, andcontinue thePro- moters of this Work.. Amyour Debtour, and becaufe my flock cannot paf out great fums at once, thereforeIam con- firained to difcharge my credit by thefe[mailer payments. 1 neednot call upon you for acquittances or cancell'd Bonds: Iknowyour ingenuity will confefs more receivedthenIhave paid. Ihavepaid you in theBook nowprefented, asmuchas l 13 2 intended