Chap. S. fln Expofttion upon the Book of J O B. Vcrf. 9. 65 know wherein our knowled$e, cons teh fhort., The Apoftle ( i Cor. S. 2.) is direct`£, He thatthinket b be knoweth any thing know - e th nothing ai he ought to know: He would not have us think that we know any thing: Though he had laid in the former verfe, We know that we haveall knowledge; the Apoftle knew it, but he would not have them thinktt. His meaning is, I grant there is know- ledge abroad in the world, I have Tome, and you have force. We , kno wthat wehave 'all knowledge:which yet Ionic underhand, as zudä °" ifhe fpake in a fecret irony,againft thofe who brag'd ib much of earl net; g tir pariiculæ their knowledg,Y ea, We knowyou have all knowledge,but let me tell lebementjus you thus much,you who 'landJó much uponyour knowledge, he that vv., Bez. thinketh he knoweth any thing, knowetb nothing yet as he ought to know. How can that be ? Is not aman to think that he knowes what he knows ? Muft a man think himfelf ignorant, or other - wife he mutt be accounted ignorant ? Surely no. There are ve- ry many that know much,and they:may think that theymayknow fomething, yea, that they know many things. But obferve the word there, Re that thinketh : the word doth not,fignifie a Pimple Axe? notfani- apprehenfon of a thing, or a bare and naked knowledge, for fo a pat'ftmplicem man may refleét upon his own knowledge, and knew that he.knoovs áltquam perfua_ as well as what he knows but imports thinking, with a kind of fronern,fed qus infolency and pride offpirit, with affe6tation, boaf in and vain `u`fuberbta glory in that knowledge. He that thinketh he knowes anything, that cany/niFell, is, he that vaunts and !lands upon hisknowledge, .;who conceits altoqutn nihil C he hath fomuch kiíowlcdge, inch a head-peke that he can carry m.g» repugna all before him by the: flrength ofhis wit and parts, fuch a know- denséuorbita- ing man knowes nothing. That mans wifdome is but a conceit who is wifa in his own conceit.In this fenfe we have the word (Mat.3.o.) t10 Bez, where theBaptifl befpeaks thePharifees, f :y within your Delves, we have Abraham täour father ; thinkRot , :it, Was not a fin for them to think that` Abraham was their father, and that they were defcended from him, but think not," that is, do not think of this, and fo be proud ofit. Be not lifted up upon an out- ward priviledge,which will hand you innoRead at all,ifyou land upon it t exceptyou be changedandber c again;of t0 Spirit,: iowill . nos availyou thatyou are bornofAbrahams fl fyi:IfAbrahzms faith be not inyour hearts, it 'hall benoadvvntagetoyou that ,Abrahams blood runs in your veins.The word is foufed again(Phil.3.4.).1fany one thinketh he may be confident,I much more : If any onemay h Ave an opinion ofhimfelfin regard of outwar ; priviledges,- furely ..JJ K ir;y