Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap.d. An Expofition .upon .the Book of J O,B. VerC_a 3 in thy mouth ? As if he had faid, thou profeffeft to be in Covenant withme,tohave an intereft in tne,Yet when thoufaweft a thief, then thou conJenteft with him,and h, aft beenpartaker with adulterers; thou giveft thy mouth to evil, . &c. Hypocrites take the Covenant of God in their mouths,butcall it out of their Iives,God is near in their mouths, butfar from their reins (Jer, 12. 2.) Ifthe hypocrite did not forget, that God is about his bed,and about his path , and eG pieth out all his wayes,he could not be fo falle with God,fo pollu- ted in his wayes,fo rotten in his inward parts. If an hypocrite did not forget, that God being a Spirit delighteth tobe worfhipped in Spirit, he would never be fatisfied in worshipping himwith his body. If he did not forget that God is jealous , that he will not hold them guiltlefs who take his name in vain,hedurst not (which is his every dayes work) take the name ofGod in vain. Secondly, observe, Thatforgetfulnefs ofGod (howfoever it teems no great matter, yet) is exceedingfinful, a wickednefs of'the bigh- eft _itature. .Forgetfulncfsof God is therefore a great wickednefs becaufe God bath done fo many things to be remembred by. What could the Lord have done more tomakehimfelfremembred thenhe bath done ? Have 1 been a wilderneffe to Ifrael, or a land of darkneffe ? (faith the Lord, fer. 2.3 i.) the words are an aggravation oftheir forgetfulnefs. As if the Lord had laid, I have been a light to you wherefoever you go, and wherefoever I gomy steps drop fat- clefs for you, and am I forgotten ? where can we let altep but we tread upon a remembrance ofGod ? Every creature holds forth God unto us. He hath left his remembrance upon every ordinance, Do this in remembranceof me, faith Christ in that great ordinance of his Supper : yeaall the works ofhis providence are remembran- cars ofhim. He leaves an impreslìon ofhis wifdome, holinefs, ju- ftice, power, upon all he Both. Now for us to forget God, who bath (as it were) fludied fo many wayes to fatten himfelfin our remembrance, inuft needs be extreamly finful. Further, it is very finful to forget God, becaufe God doth fo abundantly remem- ber us. He bath not only done that which may caufe man to re- member him; but he bathman alwayes in his remembrance, cfpe- cially in his ownpeople, He bathgraven themupon the palms of 6co handy, and they are continually before him. They who delire to prefcrve their friends Trefh in memory, get their pictures in their hoiifès, or engrave them upon rings and jewels which they ear