90 Chap. S. fIn Expojtienupon the Book, of J OB. verCrq,, lice of heaven,willfeldome, if at all run hazard: here on earth. True trial brings God and the foal together, but the hypocrite never comes near God: and then no marvel! ifhe beaffraid to come near danger. Note from it, before we put the words together, thus much, ?hat anhypocrite batha truft.of bis own, a truft like himfeif. WI ofé truft. An hypocrite doth molt things which the upright and , lincere-hearted do, and he feems to have every thing which the upright and fincere-hearted have. Do they. pray? fo doth he. Doe they hear ? fo lothhe. Do they fall ? fo doth he. Have they faith ? he hath faith too. Have they the fear of God ? he alto hath a kind offear. Have they zeal?-fo hathhe ; yea the zeal ofhy- pocri fie burns hotter for a.blaft,then the zeal offincerity.I e hath grace proper to his hate ; falfe grace for his falfe heart; he hath trult,fuch as it is,a truft which belongeth to all ofhis rank;. fee the charater ofit in the next words. Tarn animal, úod foletcon roere%ï3nifi- '. cat., Ii!hall be afpiders web. The Hebrew is,lt ball be thefpidersho of ;the web is the houfe of the fpider. We have the fame word, Ifa. 59.5. Theyweave the Jpiders web. Ifaiah fpeaks of fuch pretenders, they truff in vani- ty,andfpetklie.r.Thefewere thefpiders web,which they weaved. But why is the truftof thehypocrite compared unto the fpiders web ? I than clear that in four or five particulars, whichwill be as fo many notes upon this text. r. Becaufe theprofeffron,and all the works ofan hypocrite are very weak andunftable, as the fpiders web is. There isa kind of curiofty.inthem,but there is no ttrength or ftabi-lity in them.The fpider works very curioufly, but her houfe will not bear any ftrefs ofweather, much lets force of battery .. The fpiders web is no match for a broom or a whisk. Thus it is with the profetlion,thc truf ofhypocrites, you may fee a neat fpinning, /a fine thread of profetlion, accurate weavings and contrivances;but when it comes to a puth, it is notable tohand ; ifyou do but touch it, 'tisgone. Some will Rand out longer then others, yet all fall, as Chritt af- fures us (Mat.. ult.) it is the hypocrite who buildeth his houle upon the fand.Tohave a houfe.built upon the fand, is no better then to have a houfe built in the cieling ; . when the form comes that houfe falls; and when thebroom comes, this mull down. 2. The truft ofan hypocrite is called a fpiders web, becaufe he fetches