Chap. i I. An Expofition upon the Doak of J O B. VerG t 2. 91 ., and are not under any mans care orgovernment ; God hinifelf hath given us this character of the wilde alfe in this Book (Job 3 g. vs:) Who hashlent out the wilde affefree ? What mailer hath the wilde affe been apprentic'd to ?) or who bath loofedthe bands of the wilde affi ? (fromwhole hand hath he received his Indentures, or been manumitted?) Whofe houf I have madethe wilderne ,and the barren land his dwellings. He fcorneth the multitude of the City, neither regardeth he the crying of the driver. The horfe and oxe tztufl: ferve, the horfe travels, and the oxe tills the ground: the oxe is under_a yoke, and the horfe hath a bit and bridle to keep him in fubjeaion , but the wildeailé regardeth not the driver he cares neither for his whip nor for his whittle. He is altogether a ítranger to difcipline and likes not to hear ofany matter but himfelf or to be a'fervánt to any but his own will. Such is the nature of man , Man is born likea Wilde air colt ; he loves to be free, or rather to be difiòlute, he cannot endure to be lúbdued tp order; heywould knowno law but his own lull , nor rule but his own delire. Every man is of himfelf, cfl fonne of Belial 4 fonne without a yoke. Mat is fo much for fnfull liberty that he cares not for true liberty. The liberty he feeks , . makes him a bond-Have to corruption.; Thus man is born a wilde altes colt, he is igaorant, wanton and licen- tioùs. So much for the words as we tranllate, his'acuus ecr- There is yet anotherreading ofgood afe, and worthy our eta- dtsbionagr put- ZLLJ J)® urination. 'Tis given out thus, Sófhgll vainmanbe made wife, and ,,,o evader. the aßês coltfha?l be borna man. This renderingmay bear adouble Pagn. Jun. interpretation. Pullus onagri Firf},lt may be underilood Ironically,as a fcorn put uponyob,and homo nafc,tur, uponall fuch as Zophar fuppofed him to be,vain men. Painman (hall on is har be made wife,when aneffes colt is made aman; that is,He(hall never, ÿobum vpelli- or very hardly be made wife ; as if he had faith It is as unheardof cat, virvacune andas flrangea thing thatfuck a man as thou, a man fo proud.and.PPierts fee high in thine own thoughts, fo vain in thy imaginations, that Each an quandopullus one as thou . fhouldfl be made wife or holy, as it isfor awilde affe tobe evdtt.fBold. made aman.There is a truth in this pofition,it Zophars fuppoficion had been true. For.thediftance between mans nature, and grace,is greater .then that between mans nature and a beatts Bare reafèn is further fromgrace thenfenfe isfrom reafon.It is as ealìe to change N a beafl