Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. i i. An E'xpotitian upon the Boob, ofJO B. Verf. 13. of their arguments andproceedings. While they all hit the fame nail , they hope at laft to drive it home to the head. As I have (hewed Eliphax, in the fifth and Bildddin the eighth Chapter, fo now I muft thew Zophar after he hadfufficiently, if not bitterly reproved Job , adminiftringg holy and wholfome advice and counfel. If thou prepare thine heart._ As if he had fàid , Came ( friend) leaveoffthycomplaining' and diIutings ,leave ofthyPelf-juitifyings andoverweening"ofthyown worth; Be pea(wadedat !alt to lay down thyweapons, andfullatit thy Pelf give over reafoningandfall to praying. Trepare thy heart to feeltGod. The Vulgar reads it , as a charge brought againf} him; and not 2u autemfr.. as a counfel given to him, Thou halt fliffined thine heart againit_mai iter mum Cod, and thou h.aßflretcbeçlout thine hands toward him : As if fob .1'c' V4 had dill continued contumacious and obftinate againft God , after all thefe breakings. To firm or flrengthen the heart , is to harden theheart, or to be infenfible under the handofGod. Butrather take it according to our tranflation , as a direflionor counfel, If'317 11,1 thouprepare thine heart:, that is, ifthouputtea thine heart into Paranoia vet order, or if thou fix thine heart, fo the word is tranflated (Pfg7 fixam eft cer, v 7. & `?' 8. i,) e../`Ply heart isfixed, OGod. my heart isfix- msum ed, Iwill fintgandgive praife. An unfixed., or an unfetled heart, muff needs be unprepared heart. Fixednef of heart is prepa- ratory . to preparation of heart. A fixedheart (and that only) . is fitted to move towards , and to follow after God.: It is very hard to aim right at that which is in motion , but it is harder for him that is in motion to aim.right. The Heady man hits the mark; Yet more diftinetly confider, Firft , What is here meant by the heart ?. Secondly , What by the preparing, or fixingof the heart ? Firfl`, The heart is not here taken in its natural! capacity , for e effpri , that part of thebody, which `Philofophers call thefirfl living, andrivers Wri- the laß dying in man. But by the heart (in a metaphor) we are mum mnitnr` to underfland the foul or the whole inward man : For as the heart is the principali part of the body, fo the foul is the princi-, poll part ofman , and the failings and wounds of the foul are to thewhole man , .like the failing or wopndingt of the heart in reference 95