r t o Chap. i t . tfin expofttion upon the Boost, of J OB. Verf.i4 Verle 14. Ifiniquity be in thine hand, put it far away, *indict not wickedneffe dwell in thy Tabernacle. He had exhorted him before , to preparehis heart and firetch out his hand; now he bids him prepare his hand before he firetch it out. Ifiniquitybe in thine hand. The word Iniquity bears any fin ; yet the Gbaldee fpecificates si mendacium it into a lye; ifa lye be in thine hand. Others (which amounts to fìc in manta a lye) if deceit, wrongdealing, oppreffion or any violencebe in thine eus. Tart. hand, put it far away from thee : any thing that deceives is a lye. Tntelligit rapi-1fa. 44. zo. Hefeedethofallies (that is, farrow is his food) a de- want aliorum ceived heart bath turned him afide that he cannot deliver hisfoul &wanesale norfay, Is there net et lye in my right band ? As if he had laid, His partas. Si qua Idol promifed him better fare then a(hes , yet he is fo much de- defraudatio inceived , that he cannot fee he is , or fay there is a lye in his right mane tua.Bez. hand. Oppreflion is proptrly and ufually called the fin of the hand. There aremany fins of the body, which yet are not fins of the hand, all thofeare,wherein the hand aels moil, as in violence and wrong ; in there fins there is foheavy a hand , that they de- ferve to be called fins of the hand. And though the word may take in any kinde of fin, yet Zophar charges fobchiefly with that, as his other friends had done, more then once, before. That pro- clamation to repent,which the King of Nineveh caufed to be pub- lifhed through the City ran in this tenor, Let every one turn from theviolence that is in their hands and if you wouldknow what that was; reade the fecund of Nahum there weare (hewed, that Nineveh was a fpoiling city, and the men thereof as lions,tearing inpieces enough for their whelps , and firangling for their lion- e effes , they filled their holes with prey , and their dens with ra- vin ; they cared not whom they ruined , fo they might raife up their own efiates. This is iniquity of the hand. And fecondly, We may underhand it not onlyofoutward and violent,but ofany dole and fecret wrong; carry it as covertly as you can, even like Juglers, whodo that before your face which you cannot fee, yet wrong dealing and wrongdoing is iniquity, and the iniquity of the hand. evil done byfleight of hand, of can- sainf,ly , is os bad au that which is done by flrengtn of handor via- hatly. Thirdly,