Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

114 Chap. i s ,.An E'xpofition upon the Book_of J OB. But is it well ifwickednelie dwell not with us ? may it flay a, Habitátinigui-while with us ? No, not a moment. As the Apoflle Paul (peaks ins in "s° °- in reference unto thofe falfe brethren , who cause in privily tofpie 1uandó ie e out their liberty in Chrift , and bring them into bondage, unto whom . diu mnasef Drug wegaveplace by fubjellion., no notfor an hour, Gal. 2.5, So we muit not give place towickedneffe for an hour; it is not enough to fay ofwickednefle, it !hall not dwell with us, itlhall not abide with us for ever ; we will hate it but for a week or a night, it maybe but for an hour : no, it mutt not fraywith us anhour, no not one moment, with our good leave and liking. When Zophar faith , Let not iniquity dwell in thy tabernacle, he means, haften it away ; and the reafon why he faith, let it not dwell, is, becaufe no man can fo watch his houle and family, no nor his own heart, bat fin will fometimes come in , he !all finde fuch flrangers thereas he never invited , fuch as he never looked for, he than finde them not only knocking at the door, but boldly drawing the latch un- locking the door .and thrufling in ; man cannot prevent this, ei- ther in regard ofhis heart or his houfe ; but he may fay , wicked- nee !hall not dwell with me ; as foon as he difcovers it he may remove it, or chide it out of doors. Though we cannot keep evil out, yet we may thrufl it out, thoughwe cannot hinder its corning in , yet we may hinder its flaying in; we need loot make a bed or provide a chamber for fin : this requires force paufe and confideration. We examine men (if we know them ;pot) whence they are and whether they will before we bid them welcome, or admit them to refl under our roof. The Prophet rebukes the people of lfrael(Jer.4.iz.) How long(hall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee ? vain thoughts will offer themfelves, but why do you accept and entertain them , why doyou fpcak them fair ? Let not wickednefe dwell in thy tabernacle. YibernacItio- In thy tabernacle.] Some underhand it perfonally : The body nomiae of a man is his tabernacle, when the earthly houfe ofthis tabernacle pato Coca facrat (faith the Apoflie) (hall be deffolved, (z Cor. 5. s.) So let not zntelligi,Taibus to fa_ wiclzedn fe dwell in thy tabernacle , is, let it not dwell with thee; or *ohs. s pr.eerat in thy heart. Curti effet is But fecondly, Tabernacles were of two forts, ecclellafticall , or profperis, uli civil, either the place ofGods worlhip, or ofmans refidence. Some °' anG3 expound this text in the former notion : Let not wickedneffe dwell qua ini accep- ¡ zaffe paatavit in thy tabernacle., that is take care to purge the worship ofGod Zop7.r;. Bold. from all idolatry and fuperflition : There was a publike worfhip VerGaq., in