Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

1:26 'Chap. Ft. ,An Expofition upon the 'Book. of J O B. Verf. 15. firmity ofmany of the Saints) haft in their way, but between two ways. An upright heart may be unfteady in the right way ; but a carnal heart is unfleady between the right way and the wrong- Such are fometimes in.good wayes , and fometimes in evil wayes, they may happen upon a good way,but they cannot chide ir, or if they chufe it, it is not for itsgoodnefí'e but commodioufneffe it ferves their tstrns , and upon that account they take a turn in ir. Secondly, They are unfteadfafl about theend ; A wicked man is often fecure , but he is never fetled concerning his end. He prefumes he (hall be well,but he cannot know it Qia11 be well with him. They who walk indark wayes, muff needs be in the dark a- bout their end. An evil minde is never quiet upon good termes. They who are morally evil , have no true reafon to eatpe0 eternal good. There is a quietnefs of minde concerning our end,which aria ieLLh from the ignorance ofour ill eflate and thereis a quietnef c t; hick arifeth from the knowledge of our good eflate : in the former retire many wicked men are quiet, their eonfciences do not trouble them , and they wonder why any mans lhould. There are alIee,? in the darknefte of fin and they than lye down iiz the darknefle of forrow. Only he that findes hirnfelf united unto Ghrifl, and byverrue of that union, cleanfed from the guilt, and relieved againfl the dominion of fin is fteadfaft indeed. I-Jim wilt thou effablifh ( faith the Prophet) in perfect peace, whofe minde is Itayed on thee. It is a baftard peace which is the daughter of ignorance, true_peace is thedaughter of laving know- ledge. Laflly,As this ftedfaflnefs is underflood ofhis outward eflate. We learn, That Godonly can eflablifbthecreature to fir. The fafhion ofthe world pallet') away , yet God can bid it fland. The creature can be no more to us then God makes it how much fo ever we make it in our account. .David calls his outward e- flare a mountain,'Pfal.30. 6,7. yet he acknowledgeth that all the llrength and (landing of his mountain was from Ged. Lardby tl.,y favour them haft made my mountain to fand (rung. And he found his mountain ibakïng, yea and his heart (baking too, when God did but hide his face. Then didefhide thy face, and lwas troubled. That's the fecund thing promifed.. There is yet a third, erf,td