Chapa r t. An 'xpoRion upon the Tool. ofJ O B. Verf. 15. 12,7 cArnd thou ¡halt notfear. He carries it higher yet. There is an holy fear, and there is a finfuIl fear. There is a fear of care, and there is a fear of deffra- &tion. There is a fear of watchfulneflè, and there is a' fear of diflrufifulneffe. He doth not mean the holy fear of care and watchfulnef e ; but the finfull fear ofdiflras ion and diflruflful- nef e , Tfal.I 1 z. i . Tle d is the man that feareth God, Why ? verf.7. 8. He ¡hall not be Afraid, he that feareth holily (hall not be afraid diflraitingly. Again , This exemption from fear Both not leave us fecure; It is Babylon which faith, 1 fit as aaeon and tividdow, and ¡hall fee no furrow. She is fo fearleffe that the is alto careleffe. The more 7erufalem and her children know their fafety, the more they labour to be fate. 'Thou Jhalt not fear. This negative protnife may have a three- fold reference, Thou ¡halt not feaar: Firfl, The continuance of thy prefent troubles. Nor fecondly, The return of thefe troubles.- Nor thirdly, The riling of newtroubles. Thy heart (hall be farro above all thefe fears. Hence Obferve, Firll, Toget freefromfia, is the waytogetfree fromfear. Put away iniquity, and then thou fhalt not fear. As by fear we aæatji coiffion- keep from iniquity (The fearof the Lord is todepart from evil,) tia nunItlam fo by departing from iniquity we keep from fear : An evil con- efi fine meta. fcience is a troubled confcience : god is above all fear ; andman hj;`É "a; is never without fear till_he is in God. (Prov.zr.a.) The righteous mu,n,undeof is boldas alyon. fcitur it nano Secondly, Tobefree from thefear ofevilfs-better-than to befreedex" DeP nz fromevil.. pófrit efè fine: He Bothnot fay barely, thou flralt be freed fromevil,bur, Thou mein, Sancï.. (halt be freed from fear. Happinefs comfit's more in removing in- ward than outward trouble. He that is not indeed afraid of e'il before it comes,may be happy though it comes. It is the perfeeliri ofour fpiritual ellate not to fear,: `TerfeE lovecafteth out fear: (a 7oh.4.18.) Ir cafleth out all fear that we (11a1Ì loofe the favour of God, or be call Out ofhis love :. it doth not call out the fear of offending God but that whereby we qucflion the favour of God. Whatfoever the premifes ofGods dealings are, fuch fouls makes this concluion That God will doe them no hurt and means them nothing but good. Agreat part óf the Saints portion both, on-