Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

í3o Chap. ii. An Expofstion upon the Book, ofJO B. Verf.ró. Secondly , in reference to the fenfitive part. He is not promifed .Quantum at- ( for that were an afietion ), forgetfulneffe of hisaffi,ctions in "et ad fciea- reference to his rational! part , he fhould remember them f1í11 fo ram m r mor o as to confider what they were , and to be thankfull for his deli - prateritorum verance out of them. In this fenfe, they who have the greatefl .natorum, forget thefe miferies , have alto greatefl caufe to remen- quantum au- ber them ; it is the will of Godwe fhould. As it is afin.aft ed1 tetra ad expe. to forget thefits we have. committed and arepardoned fo to leaa rior s f nfi, for et asllneJJe ofthe forrows we have u eyed and are e ea ed is fin.. prierfru izrme- g f 1J f f fff , f p mor. Aug. de full ; godreceives much glory by our recognizingofpardoned fins, Civit.Dei1.zz. andofefcapedforrows. ¢ 3,14 But in reference to a.fenfibleneffe ofchofe evils,, or ofany trou; hie arifing from the remembranceof them , thus he is promifed to forget them. As if Zophar had faid', When thou thinkeftof thy a liftion it¡hall not afflit2 thee, yeait¡hall be thy joy to rememberit. Nat ohm: me- It is agreat refrefhing to remember the troubles which we bavebeen mtntiT hive- in, and arefreedfrom. When Yofeph was advanced in the Court Est" of Pharaoh, to great honour, and was married there, he called the name ofhis 6rí1-born fon eW4naffeh., from this word figni- lying to forget and he gives the reafon of it , for Godbath made meforget all my toilandall myfathers houfe, (Gen. 4.r. Sr.) How had God made him to forget it ? Not in regard ofthe rational! alt, for he did remember what his fathers houfe was,together.with all the afid`tions he.met with there from his envious brethren,and this was his duty: but the Lord made him forget all the pain,fmart and forrow of thofe aff iCtions, He was veryfenfable howmuch he, had fulered, bitt he had nofenceofit. In heaven we(hall forget all the . troubles .. and forms of this lii and all our fins, as they Ini,na.beaea are anyhinderance to our joy, but there (hall be a remembrance fracas indefi- even in heaven, of the troubles and fins of this life, fo far, as to etenter aterea- give God the glory of making that glorious change. As we rtem jucuúdi- may be laid not to know evils two waies ,. either becaufe we are Gate gaudio- ignorant of them, or becaufe. we have no experienceof them ; fo rum, oblitaerit p seeparum,obli- we,may be laid not to remember. pafhevils two _wales ;; eitherbe- aa p enarum; caufe the memory of them doth not flay with us or becaufe. the we amen ideo remembranceof themdoth not annoy, us.. And that's the meaning fualiberationis offorgetfulnes about injuries ; when we exhort. not only tofor- .blttes ut Jibe- give a wrong but,to forget it : A manmay rationally-remember uteri fizo fit the wron which another had done him with all. the circumflan- ingrata. Aug. g ybi fupra. ccs and paffages ofit, and yet forget it fpiritually. Some. fay, they