Chap. 1 t. An Expofition upon the Took`, of J O B. Verf. 17. r 37 JOB Chap. Y r. Verf. 17, 18, 19, zo. And thine agefhall be clearer than the noon-day ; thou¡halt Thineforth , thou ¡haltbe as the morning. And thou ¡halt bejecure, because there is hope, yea, thou ¡halt dig about thee, and th;u ¡halt take thy refl infafety. Alfo thou ¡halt lie down , and none¡hallmake thee afraid: yea, many¡hall makefuite unto thee. But the eyes ofthewickedfhallfail,and they¡hall not efcape, and their hope !hall be AS thegiving up oftheghofl. IHis latter part of theChapter, cot-Meth (as was touched before) ofdivers motives and iacouragements,which Zophar bellowson 7ob, to heartenhim on in hearkening to his counfel. As he was encouraged before by a promife that his prefent troubles tMould fuddenly expire , fo here, that ancient mercies fhould fud- denly revive. As if Zophar had Paid Thou (halt be blefJêd net only by deliverancesfrom , or removals of evil ; thou¡halt not only forget mifery andhave the prints ofthyafft lions wipedout ; but thoufhalt befairly f ampt withfrefhfavours and the bell ofbleffings ¡hall be heaped upon thee. This heexpreffeth in thofe elegant meta- phors and comparifons. Verfe 17. Thine clearer than the .noon-day, thoufhalt° Thine forth thoufaalt be as the morning. All which he exemplifieth in plain of ertions, affuring him that he !hall fpend the latter part of his life in fafety. veri, s 8. Thou ¡halt be fecure , &c. In freedome and honour. verf. 19. 21(ón (hall make theeafraid, yea, many(hall makefuite unto thee. The ungodly are not fo. verte zo. The eyes of the wicked ¡hall fail, &c. `t111 Thine age. 7ernpus, fecu- hem, ovum,fed The Hebrew word lignifies time in general), or the whole flare & vinecurri of this world. `.David prayeth to be delivered from the men of cutum tiro' ceJ this world, or, of this age; (Pfal. 17. 14..) he means it of menfátqú7" who have nothing beyond the world , all whole eflate lies on this meìathe'n a fide heaven. The word lignifies alto the particular age of a mans tr ceffare. T litz .