Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

138 Chap._ i r. Än Expofition :Ion the Book of J O B. Verfa7. .wail mèridia- life : and here dif}inEtly the latter part or old age ofa mans life: nus,fulgor con- Thine age,.that is, thineold age , or the latter part of thy life , of forget tibi ad which tou feemell to make little reckoning upon which tliou. vejperamVulg lookeit as if it were not worth the having ; that fa ter part ofthy life , of which thou fay'lü in thine heart, furely is will be as death . to me , it will be full ofdeath and darkneffe ofdifeafes and of weaknetles, the firength ofit will be but labour and forrow ; that . evening of thy Iife,of which thou judgefl(according to the experi- ence of others) hrely it will be &Lama and :nifty , cloudy and un- comfortable , even that age of thine (hall be Clearer then the noon-day. The letter is, Thine age(hall rife above the noon-day. The noon- day is taken two wayes. Sometimes for extream heat, and fome- times for extream light. Firft , At noon, we expeLìthe extremity ofheat ; the fun of .fó ills iu- perfecution is fignified by the noon-day. Ifa. 16. 3. e711ak thy cundum refri-4hadow at the night in themidfl ofthe noon-day.That is, be a refreth- gerium ci rne- in and a roteetion to m people when their troubles are at the JunHo æ/fu há teft. And Cant. z . 7. Tel me where thou 7neîk /l thy flock! to reft at noon, that is, in the heat of perfecution.The Churchdelired to underftand where to lhelter what cooling place was to be had in the times of grearefl tribulation. Secondly, Noon imports thecleareft light; it is a common pro- mum:praver- verb whenwe affirm a thing tohave the greatef} clearneffe, to bigle ell , ltsce fa y It is as clear as the light at noon-day. And to light a candleat meridiana.cla- x :ia,úemtueer- noon, is a proverbof reproof to thole, who trouble themlelves"to grans accendit make that plain which bath no obfcurity in it. And as noon is gn meridie. put for light, fo light is_often put for joy, and cleareft light (fuck: is that of the noon-day) for greatefi joy; light is fowenfor the Lux.felicita righteous, that is, they than reap, a harveft of joy. rù fymbelum. When Zophar ptomifeth, 7nine age /hall be clearer than the vita ;ucu=rda noon day, his meaning is, thy latterend jhall befull ofcomfort, and quaff Luna. top,. (Doc. thoufhalt rejoice in theJeremyofthy condition. Summa eYit Hence Obfeve, ieeitia tug. Cod can males theworfl partofour life the befl tous : andwhen Mere. we expea (accordin . to the tour e ofnature) the leangood hecan p , g ff ) g encojnpaffeus witis the choiceflgood. Old age is called the evil day (Eccl.12.1.) and the defcription of it is given in termes very appofite unto this, while the evil dyees coin