Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

16z Chap. i2. efïn É'xpofttion upon the BoolLof J Q: B. . Verf z. then either of the former ; yekt flue tafis much ofthe gall and vi- neger of bis foirows in this reply : and there was fame reafon it fhould : for feeing his friends ítí11 undervaluing the defence he had made,and charging him afrefh with that old !even ofhypocrifìe(as if there were no way to of ert the Mike and holineffe ofGod, but by condemning him for unjuft and unholy) he could not take it well at their hands, but grows fomewhat warm in language to- wards them; we thall be fenfible of it, in opening the body of his answer. Then Yob anfweredand Paid. He feems to affert rather then to difpute, and is larger in lay= ing down his own potations then in anfw.ring the objeftions of his friends. Yet indeed a clear affertion of truth is a fufficient confutation oferrour and a clear Rating of a queflion is the real answer ofall objeftions. No doubt but ye are thepeople; The word is ufually tranfíated themultitude ; and it comes py a Dy from a root which lignifies to cover orhide, becaufe a multitude, operuit, tent, or a great croud ofpeople, hide and cover the face of the earth. quia multitude No doubt but ye are the people The text is taken two waies : terrant régit. Some reade it as a plain affertion others, as an irony, which is a fpeech filled with derifion : while the Ietter of it makes no doubt, the fpiriv of it is an abfolute denial. They who take it as a plain afï'ertion, read thus ; Without all gueftion you are to be reckoned (inter plebem) bat as'the ordinary video quod y1 is fort of people , even as the vulgar , andwi fdom is dead with you ; populares fs ifever yorar hadany wifdnn your wifdorn is faded, your parts are vats f user- ;oiled , you have outlived your prime ; you are not the nun you sua e a ien- tia. Pain. pretend to be, the choicefi and the cheefoji, the cream andflower of Putatis quod all ; tao , your fpeech bet rayes you , and faith you areofthepeople, VOS eflis fpeci- of vulgar judgements andcommon underfiandengs. I fee no depth then tot tus or or my flerie in any thing ;ye have fjolten. Thus. the Pharifees fpeak, Vatabl. Have an of the rulers beleevedon him ? but thispeople (this cotn- i 1J Populxs y T P p id off - mon people, this vulgar) who knoweth not the law, are turfed' 377 dole- ioh'7' 49' dus populi. Secondly , By the people, tome of the Rabbin, underftand the Rab.Mof.benchoiceft, the ele& of the .people ,,fo the language is ironical Nahman. fro Áoubt bat y. Are the people, the choice, the chafen people : the chafe