Chap. 1.2. eAn Expofition upon the 7ioob,of J O B. Verf.3. peculiar : We may gather up fuch upon the common , we need not travel to the oracles oflearning for it , he that knows any thing knows what you fay ; He that is not (filch as you think me to be) a wildaffis colt, a very fool, may fathom all your no- tions they carry no filch depth but that line enough may be had in any mans brain to reach their bottom,Whoknows notfilch things 45 theft ? Note from ir, Firfl, There are forcecommon principles and eafte truths whit fall under everymans apprehenfaon. Who knows not fach things as theft ? The Apoftie (Heb 6. t.) fpeaks of the firft principles of the doEtrine of Chrifl. The objeEts ofknowledge are of various degrees, according to thedegrees of capacity in the fubjeEt. (Heb.S. 14.) we reade of firms meat for men offull age, andmilkfor babes. The youngeft childe feeds on milk. Who knows not fach things asthefe ? Some principles in Religion are of fo eafie a digeffion, that even babes inChrift may feed upon them and fuck them in. We fay of thofe commodities which are rich and high prized, they are not everymans money.; fo we may fay of thofe truths which are dark and myfterious they are not for every underianding : He-.that hath'an underftanding, may underhand fo much of the myltery of Chrift as may light him fafe to heaven ; though tome things are too high for thofe who are highefl to underftand fully, while they are here upon the earth. Secondly.Obferve, Who knows not fetch things as theft? lt is a fhante not to be acquainted with common principles.. Every one knows thefe things; what ? not underhand that which the meaneft may underhand ? We finde the Apoftle im- proving this argument Rom.2. q,. Where ( having convinced the Gentiles in the former Chapter for finning againft the light of nature and the benefits of creation) he proceeds to convince the Jews for finning againft the light of Scripture , and the mer- cies of redemption. 'Defj'icefl thou the riches of the goodnefê and forbearance of God, &c. Not knowing that the goodneffe of God leaderh thee torepentaYrce ? Art thou a Jew one that boalteft of fo much knowledge, and doll not thou know this common grin= ciple ? dolt not thou know the meaning of the goodneffe and forbearance of God ? every childe in holy knowledge knows the voice of mercy , that it befpeaks ourreturn ro God , or leads su to repentance. The Apoftle dials with the Cerinthians-upon . ' 173