2 Chao: ï 2. n Expofiticn upon the lookof JOB. Vert¢. Is laughed tofèorn. He was mockt before, now he is laughecttofcarn. The Ori= ginal is the fame, though the fence be intended he is not only pi"? laughed at, but he is a laughter. The perfe&t jufi isamockgge, Írrifio j«Jius fo Mr. Broughton, the abítraa is put for the concrete. Aman perfelittss. Heb. that is through in uftice,rhrou h in integrity & purity,this man x« reWar is made a laughing Rock, a felt, a fport , heis loaded with dif.. fcit. E iaut. grace, while fame are unburdeningthemfelves`offorrow. They refolve to laugh and be fat, to be merry and fà.ng care away,but they want a theam, a fubjeét; none fo fir as the juft upright man Come let's pafre upon him. Thus He is laughed, tofcorn. As ifjob had Lfaid , It is no great wonder to lie that Iam mockedof ny neip-hbaitr,for this is according to the wont andold cuftomne of the ,world, the Tuft upright-man meets with fuch dealing every where 9 it is nonew thingwhich I fiffer,mine is but a common lot with the heft ofthe Saints. If I am laughed to f orn,fo have my betters been. Hence Note, 'Era, That holinefs is under difgrace among unholy men. It is not alwaies a difparagement to be laughed at;the heft may be laughed at, the jufi upright man is fo. Jeremiah was more then fo, he was a Prophet of the Lord, yet he faith, I was a çle- refion to all my people,and theirfang all the day,Lam.3.a4.He was a derifion and a derifion to ail his people. Some read thus, I, together with all my people, am a derifion, as noting thathe and all that adhered to him or owned him, were derided. So fpeaks the Prophet If.Fiah typically of Chrift, 'chap .8.i . BPaald I,and the Childrenwhich thouhaft givenme, areforfignes andfor wonders in Ifrael. Our tranflationmakes all his people deriders 'ofhire And then all, Both notinclude every individual , but only (hews the great and general Apoftacy of that people, from all refpèf to this Prophet;or to his miniftery.How oftendotti holy David, that Heavenly finger, complain'of thole whomade helli h longs upon him ? And job complains of this more then once , read Chap. 17.2,6. Chap.,21.3, &c. Paul Was one oftheableftfpeak,:-' ers, in the myfteries ofthe Gofpel , that ever lived : yet when lie came to Athens (A&.z7.) they fay, what will this bablerfay? Solomon gives us a provers to this point (Prov,14. 2,) sIe that walk.eth in his uprightnef,feareth the Lord;but he that is pervert irrh a waics,def ifeth hine,lt is a truth,if we underfand the ante- cedent