Chap. i 2. An Expo Won upon the Book o f JOB. Verf.5. 189 fers hall not prevail over thee, tor the power of God fuftains thee. Hewill not foffer, &c. Many are flriking at thy heels,but they cannotftrike them up, while God holds thee. up. If the will of thine enemies might Rand, thou lhouldeiì quickly fail. But God will not fuller, &c. Hence Obferve, That the beg earthly*ffate in itfelf, is a tottering eflate; An earthly (late is fo, whofoever is the mailer of it un'efs God will be the eftablifher of it. This text fpeaks of theafïlai- ons of the godly, their outward elate is full of uncertainties, their feet (treading earth) are fubjec to fide. Daysd ,,n e thought himfelf fo fetled, that he fhotildnever fall, in ray ÿr,f perity Ifaid,I(hall never be moved, Lord, by thy favour thou hafì made mymountain to .stand Itrong,Pfal,3o.6, But he quickly felt his feet Hiding, and his mountain falling. Worldly men ,fancy and project to themfelves an everlaftingnefs in worldly things Pfal.49,II. Bab)lonboafts(Revel,18.7.) Ifit ,.Q.dteen; the loth not fay, /am, but,1ft a ueen, as if the had laid, I am not only in an high place, but in a lure place,I have a warm and a firm feat, I am well fetled. I fit a ueen andam no Widelow, and 11,41 fee no furrow, I feel no furrow, neither do I fear any, I fhall have no changes. Prefurnption makes the foul believe it forefees, and therefore prophecies as great things as faith can. The Prophet Zechary (ehap.t, i i:.) bath thrift reprefented in a vifion, fending out the Angels, thofe heavenly.fcouts or intel- li encers to bringhim in report,how things went in'the world Theft are they (verf.I o,) whom the Lord bath fent to walk to and fro through the earth, and what is the repart they bring ? Beholdall the earthfieteth .till andis at_reftt.T!ae earth of,wicked men, didnot only as they thought, Eland fall, but had fet them- felves down foft and fure, they thought themfelves fitting upon townpillows for eafe and frttnefs, and upon rocks of Adamant for furenefs and unmoveablenefs,, they fate Hill and were at ref,yea doubtlefs they laid in their-hearts,who flail raife us up? Both the pofture and the confidence of literal Babylon was like that of myftical Babylon;,yet as old literal Babylon (though Me fate nil] and clofe in her feat, yet- Hid and fell at Lift) fo . alfo Chill myftical Babylon. She that laid, I fkall fee nofurrow, flial fee nothing but furrow. Noty if the f:et of that great tern- porai monarchy did Hide, and the feet of this fpiritual mo- B a 3. narcl y