Chap.12. An Expojition upon the Book o f JOB. Terf.5, 195 them, we under-reckon them in their fufferings. Hence Obferve, Firft, They who are at eafe,whofoever they are,efpecial1 wick; edrnen, are apt to defpife thole that are in pain, Few feel any fmart till themfelvesfmart,or any want till them - felves are empty. It is bad enough not to feel the fmart or want ofothers,but it is farre worfe to infult over it. Of fuck David makes complaint (Pfal.i23.4.) Ourfoul it exceedinglyfïlt'd with the fcorninr o fthofe that are at cafe ; and with the contempt of the proud. Andagain, The drunkardsynade fangs upon me. Wineputs the wit in tune for a prophane jell. When David was eating afhes and drinking tears, he was defpifed by thofe who did eat the fat &drank the fweet,they cried out, Where is now thy God? Pfal.4i.3.Davidprofefl^eth concerninghis enemies,(Pîal.35.13 ;) When they werefick, my cloathing was fackcloath, Ihumbled my foul with fa,fling, and my prayer returned into mine own bofoine; that is, fay force, though they got no good by my prayers, yet my own foul did : rather thus ; I prayed often and much for them even frommy heart ; the returningof the praier, may fig- nifie his frequent minding of them, and the Koine, both fecrecy and affec ionatenefs in prayer for them. Lafily, we may read it thus, Let my prayer return into my bojeme that is , I wifhed no worfe to them then to my felf,let me receive that ofGod for my portion, which I have defired may be theirs ; either ofthefe in- terpretations thew Davids fympathy even towards his enemies, which the next verfe (14.) clears yet more, Ibehavedmy_Of as though it hadbeen myfriendand brother, I boweddown heavily as one thatmournethfor his Mother. Would you not believe ifthefe enemies of Davids fliouldhear ofanyaffliflion befallen him,that they would be in blacks ? See how they mourn (as we fay) in fack andfùtar (verf.i5,16.)but in myadverf ty they rejaiced,and gathered themfelves together. Withhypocritical mockers at fees, theygnafhedupon me with their teeth : When they were a: feafling they were mocking; abufive fpeeches were as fauce to their meat, and fugar to their wine ; and they would forbear a while to imploy their teeth at eating , that they might itnploy them in reviling,theygnafbedupon me with their teeth. The teeth fpealc as well as the tongue : gnafhing of the teeth bath a loudvoice in it. The damned in hell fltail gnatlì their teeth in forrow for pain , the pain which themfelves feel :.and the wicked here Cc2 On