Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

time ). as fafe and quiet as a childe ip theMothers belly. The word bears fucba fence. Hence Obfervc, . Unjnft men, menofviolencemayprofperfor d while. Robbers may enjoyprqfperousfaiety , and fafe profperity. Having met withtexts before about the profperity of the wicked, I Ihall not ftayupon it here, the next claufealfogiving further occafionto touch upon it again. The fecurity of thofe who ' provoke God ; isthe/ame with the profperity of the Robbers and they who Rob menprovoke God; yet here to provoke P I God is a. fin of another clafiis yea ofanother nature than"to P Rob men, Therefore I Iball diftindtly open it. Theywhoprovoke God, arefeetire. Here is thefecond fort or'profperous Wicked men. They who -break the. fecond Table-, andwrong their Neighbours, profper; theywho break, the firft, and,provoke God, arefecure. J . f f l l . I ';.. - 0 " v . ■. C; g ■ Moverejcomm- - . Thy that provoke God. wreyriiia.%'. .. The'word fignifiesto move, or irritate : it fignifies to move ad iraemdum, corporally and.locally( lob96 .)fle jhaketh the earth out o?her place, fiiookjhe Kingdoms. This word ferves in both texts .• And hence it :istaken for paflion or inward di- t ftemper ag^inft 'Others(2 King.19.28.) Beeaufe thy rageagainfi me word for word, be'eaufe thouwafi.movedagainfime : fuch a one (we fay) wasmoved, exceedingly moved when he was in a rage and angry. Theymay be faid to moveGod I who provokehim, they attempt to put himout oftemper. 1.•'.;%?provoks:GM ismore.tbajnto-fin againft God , it is finnin? W'ithanhigh hand, or with fuch cireurnftances, as exceedingly aggravate fin. Provocation notes the higheft aft of difpleafure, and therefore that finwhich provokes is one of the higheft. (Tfd.106 7.) They rememkrednot themultitude of his. mercies* but provoked-himat theJea, even the red Sea... The-confluence dr meeting together ofmany finsmakes- up aprovocation. ;?SuchSinners ofthehigheft ftatnre, ^hdeferibes inthisfecure eftate: They who provoke God| As ifJobhad faid , I d e m <Jfedkofthoje whofit} infmall fins, orfin after 9 the rateand courfeof.ordinary men , that thefe’.only are fecure -, -but .they who fin provuifingly and Coldly, they whofind defiance 200 Chap. 12.. An Expofttiou upon the T>ook.ofJOB. Verf.6 .