202 Ghap.t2. An ExpoPion upon the Book;ofJOB. Verf.6. What plea can they make who anger God while he is givin g them content; who while God encompaffeth them with bleflings, compafs him about with their rebellions ? Thouart unexcufa- ble, Oman , who maker filch returns. When Dives in the parable begs for a dropofwater, he is anfwered : Sonremember, that thou in thy life time hag had thy good things :, Doft thou call now for an abatement offire and torment, who didff multi- ply thy fin as fail as thy comforts were multiplied ?, doll thou call for cafe who diddeft abufeall thy eafe ? He bathnot a word more to fay for himfelf , his next fuit is for his Brethren , . that they might not come into that place oftorment, out ofwhich he had no hope to efcape. Every mouth will befiopt by thefe open. ingsof the - handof God. Thirdly, Such difpenfations are both the tryaland honour of Ole Saints. They will not venture into finful wages though o- thers thrive in them. They fee Tome profper by Robbery, o.. thers advanced by flattery ; yet theywill not fet up thofe trades. This is an evedence that they love holinefs for hohnefs fake, and haie wickednefs (how profperous foever it is) for wickednefs.. fake. Sin is worfe totkem then hell. The blacknefs of that coal offends them more then theheat of it. Laftly, God doth this, to keep the Saints while they are in the world ( which is their proper way of living here) to a life of faith. Ifall Godly men (hould profper and have peace , if all wicked men thould fuffer and-bean trouble, ifGod fhould leave viable marks of his difpleafure upon every one that provoketh him , and vifible marks of favour upon every one that pleafeth him, men would live by fight, and not by faith. In the next life there will be an end of faith , God will then give every one his portion : then no man that provoked God impenitently fhall be a;.eafe ; nor fhall any frnart who have fincerely pleafed him,, Tribulation and ánguifli [hall be upon every foul that finneth , and every foul thathath takenhold ofChrift by faith, andwalk- cd in love, fhall have life and immortality : every one 1ltall feel what he is, andenjoy what he bath believed. Heaven and Hell have all infight, faith will have no work_ineither. Here we mull alwaies walk by faith , and thenMoll, when godly men ate.caft down, and when they who provoke God are f cure, Into