Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap, K 2. An Expofttion upon the Boob, o f jOS. Verf.6. 2o3 Into whofe hand Godbringeth abundantly. As ifhe had laid, They take courage to provoke God through `'7 .% ' the abundance which he beftows upon them. Thole treafures of cuius,fund good things which he brings into their hands , caufe them to Pro (prey bring out thofe evils which were treafured up in their hearts. Deem Hence Obferve, ritant canftden- Wickedmen make the bleJngs of Godfewelfor their lofts, and tèr ob fummatn beat their outwardcomforts into the weapons of an unholywarre a- fa!icitatem ainfr him, quam iargitur Their bread and their wine., their gold and their filver, their Mere. wool and their flax,do but feed and cloath,enrich and trengthen their balecorruptions. Holz3.6. According to theirpailure, fo were they fille4, they were filled and their heart was exalted;there- fore have theyforgotten me When the heart is lifted upwith the creature,it falls from the Creator,and that proves an occafion of forgetting God , which fould be a means ofremembring- him. The fmalleft tail: ofbenefits ought toput us in mindof our bene-; factor. But they bad put God out oftheir minds , while he was putting fat mortels into their mouths , and had filled themwith his benefits. Again,In thefe words,Into whofe hand god bringeth abundantly, Job feems to have a fpecial refpect to the Caldean: andSabeans into whole hands God put all his abundance. Hence Obferve, What the worft ofmen have, ms of Cods giving,he puts into their hands. Satan puts wickednefs into their hearts , but it is God , who puts power into their hands; Godputs the perlonsand eftates of others auto their hands. They indeed afcribe allto their own power and policies. So the King of Babylon (Ifa.14.,) boaíted , by my hand andby my power have I done thefe things , he forgot that he was an initrument in the handof God, or that God gave thofe nations into his hand. TheLord ftayes himfelffrombring- ing afflictions upon his people by thisargument , Deut. 32, 27. Left their adverfaries fhouldfay, our hand ishigh , and the Lord bathnot done all this : God would not put his people into their hand , becaule he forefaw they wouldnot acknowledg it : but facrifice unto their net, and burn incenfe unto their drag, as if by D d 2 them