Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

204 Chap. t 2'. An Éxpofition upon theB00(0[1013. Verf.6; them their portion hadbeenfat, and their meat plenteous. Man is unwilling toown any beyond himfelf as the author of his enjoy- ments. He fcarfe accounts any thing worth the having, unlefs it be ofhis ownbringing in. Further, We tranflate, Into whophand Godbringeth, Abundantly. in cu+us man an The. Adverb, Abundantly, is not in the Original;our tranfla -. a ante fair tors adde it in a different letter , as an explication , to thew the amnia bounty ofGod even to manyof them who moil defignedly difo animifuz vota, bey him. Such receivenot only enough to fupport their lives , mere: but to fatisfie their lulls. They have not only as much as they need, but as much as they delire. God brings Quails into their hands as well as Manna : yet heputs thefe into their hánds not as love-tonsbut as wrath- tokens. And while the meat is in their mouths,the wrath ofGod falls,yea abides upon them. It is not al- waies a mercy to receive what we would. God brings abundance into their hands , who never had one dropof favour fromhis heart, Ei qui adduxit There is another reading , which gives an intimation of that Deum in manu particular fin , whereby thefe feçure ones had provoked God. fea Arias They were fuch, as brought.God in their hands, that is,falfe wor- .Motir. hi ers and idolaters: Suchare well by this i hrafis Deumgeffatin PP Y P er P , manefua, qui theybring God in their hand; we render into wholehand Godput- facit fist De- teth, there render who put Godinto their hand. TheJewifh Do- um, quern nab :- (tors are much for this fenfe but it receives little approbation at infua pete- amongil the Latines , and I will not infift upon it : Yet this is a ,Rate, nolens e in mane truth, Idolaters put God in their hand : True worfhippers carry Let. eoe. God in their hearts ; Idolaters carry God in their hands, that is, Non placet they have a God oftheir own making; an Idol, an Image, is the quad aorutnl workoftheir hands. He that worlhippeth according to mans toes ad Idotota invention, bath his gòd in his hand. Again , falfe worthippers ryas refzrurir. ; may be laid to carrygod intheir hand,becaufe theyad as ifGod tray were in their power and difpofe (or they delire he Ihould be fo) not they in his. The Tyrians chained Hercules to a poll, that he might not depart their Country : Other of the Heathen would adopt or reprobate their Gods as they pleafed ; unleffe the gods pleafed them, they Ihould be no longer gods, This into bring a god in the handgroffely, and openly : They do it clofe_ ly and covertly ; who are unwilling to he guided byhis hand. They.