Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap.r2. An Expofition upon the sook, of JOB. Verf. 7. 20,' They who would bring God down to their wills, make laws for God, and they who make a law for God, ac4 as iftheyhad made God. Every thing roll receive the rule ofits being where it re- ceives abeing. JOB Chap. r 2, Verf 7,8,9, ro. But asknow thebeaf s, and theyfh'll teach thee, and thefowls ofthe air, and they'all tell thee. Orfpeakto theearth,, andt'hall teach thee , and the fillies of the Sea 'balldeclare unto thee. Who knoweth not in all thefe,that the handoftheLord hath wrought this ? Inwhofe hand is thefoul of everyliving, thing, and the breath of all mankinde. OB having checked thepride of his friends , in the four firft J verses ofthis Chapter ; and oppofed the opinion of Zophar , in the 5th and 6th; He iii this context brings out his roof, which anti p!:raq; he takes as low as.low can be, that fo hemight raiféhis conviai- fpiei p eta on the higher. He deals not with him upon the di$ates of hu- poentiaDel, mane reaafon, orupon the authority of Scripture ; but from the qu6domnia voice ofnature , from the common cry and confent of all the vat q6:1 ÿiæ r' creatures : He convocates a fynodof bea.fts and birds, offence- mibi incognita lefs trees, and mute fiches, to give their fuffrage for the detercni- -effnr, nom v3. nationof the controverfie, betwixt him and °his friends. bs racenribus. docent ne h&c Asknow the haftsand theyfhall tell thee; creativd,Mott, As ifJob had faid , FriendZophar , thou haft difcourfed about the providenceof god , as if it were all riddle ormiftery , which none but learned rnen could teach,and none but men of extraordinary parts couldunderRand; Butfurely thou needeft not fpeakf high,or in the clouds,for as much as the beasts of the earth, thefowls of''the air, &c. may be our mailers to teach uss the wifdome andpower of God, though men fìsould be filent. Theft have a voice , theft have tongues14 trumpets toproclrima providence in ordering the world, ami that Goddoth, both .heaven and earth, whatfoever pleafcth D d 3, hurt :.