Chap.12. An Expof tzon upon the Book,ofJOBS Verf.7. 207 the creature is not able to lead us into a faving knowledge ofthe myfteries ofChrift,yet it gives us fuch advantages toknowGod, as will leave us unexcufable inour ignorance. Thereare four things which the creatures teach us. Firlt , They teach us that there is a God , and much ofthat which God is , (Rom I.2o,) The invifible thins ofhimfrom the creation ofthe world are clearlyfeen, being underfloodby the thins that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead. As faith fees him that is invifible, fo fence [hews us him that is invifible : Faith fees God in himfelf,.fence (hews us God in his works. Secondly, The whole creation teacheth us ready obedience to thewill ofGod ; All creatures obey the law of their creation fire and hail, faow and vapours, f ormy winde and tempoftfulfilling his word, Plat. 148 8. And if there be any ftop at all, or inter- ruption in their obedience , ifthey do not fullyanfwer the end for which they were created , it is either to teftifie or'to punifla mans difobedience. Thirdly, All creatures teach us dependance upon God.Things without life are expre%d as putting forth aas of faith towards the living God. (Hof 2.2s.) the earth cries to the heavens, and thecorne, and the wine, and the oyl cry to the earth ; there is an intercrying from the loweft to the higheft,till the crycome up to the molt high God.The whole prefents us with an elegant profopo- 'pecia, All the creatures fteiving to do them good,to whomGod had once betroathed himfelfin mercies & in loving kindnefs; yet all(in a chainofdependancc)confefïìng their inability to do them good without help fromGod. The corn, and the wine, and the oyl would feed and refrelh pzreel, but then the earth must give thefe rooting, juice and. nourilhment ; The earth is willingto do her office, and give out her ftrength to thefe, that thefe might ftrengthen JeZ,reel but.then the heavens muff open theirTrea- fury, and let down their rain, and heat, and influences into the bofome and bowels ofthe earth to make it fertile. The Heavens are ready to befriend the earth at her requeft with thefe enrich- ing dowries ofrain, heat and influence , but the Heavens cannot fend a (lower, nor the fun aray, till God gives commiftion,and therefore they cry to God to unbind the ftpeet influences of pleiades, ánd loof the hands of Origin, chat fo, God commanding the Heavens, the Heavens may feed the earth, and the earth may feed thecorn , the wine, the .oyl , and thefe mayfeedJezreel , , the :