208 Chap. t 2. An Expofition upon theBookofJOB. Verf.7. the beloved ones of God. Thus the eyes of all wait, or lookup un- to God, ( Pfat. i 45 , t 5.) that they may receive good, Such is the very manner of their fubfftanceas declares their dependance : they wait upon God, and ibail not we' Fourthly , the whole creation teachethus, that there is fame- what moreprovided for us thenwe now enjoy. TheApostle makes that ufe of it (A274.8.19.) The earneff expe.`lation of the creature,waiteth for the manfellationof the Sons of /od;But how can the creation have an earneft expectation ? not tLat the crea- ture is able to put forth fuch an acct direEtly,for then it mutt have not only life, but reafon and grace, but there is fomewhat in the creature, not only like expeEtation, but like an earneff expel! -ati- on ;' the creature ftretchethout (as it were) its head to look for diele things, and is weary till it receivesthem : We know (faith the Apoftle, verf.22,) that the whole creation groaneth and tra- vdlleth in-pain together until new. Now ifthe irrational and inani- mate creatures which have been,tired out by mans fin, and made fubjec`t to vanity, by reafonof mans vanity, if they live under an expeE1ation,how much more Ihouldman himfelf ? Shall livelefs creatures be reftlefs in their prefent condition whichour fin bath brought upon them , and Ihall we who are the !inners reft in that condition ? Shall the world groan under a ftae ofvanity , and hail we rejoyce and fatisfie our felves in it ? The beafts of the earth may teach us better, and the fowls of the air may in i,1 `ìi3 ttruc us to loar to a more heavenly pitch offpirit, Petora camps. Elephar diciiur Asknow the Beaßts. Behemoth nn- The word Behemoth f gnifies all forts ofbeafts,whether wilde or tame yet molt ufaally thofe that are wilde and favage, fuch good as will not come to hand : to take the word in that ftrietnefs, in- oafz rnu'tis 'largeth tie fence, as ifJob had Paid, The worfl, the moft tanteach- iumentis-cameo- able ofthe Beafis, will teach thee, thofe Beafts which have nothing Pits e indearur, them but crueltyandfierccnefs, but rage4nd ravening , will in- morheticus form thee. The E!e hant in this book, is called Behemoth,which sadmodum eft il- f p , ' áemed ee Inquen_ word is in the plural number, as ifwe fhould fay, Beaffs , inti- di infcripturir, mating the huge vailnefs of the Elephant , that he bath { as it quondo q :ssca- were) many beafts fumm'd up in him , there are Behemoth, or farm ten-am aut Beafrs, in that one Beaft. animalia rratio- reddlitutaal- Asl` the beafts. * It is ufual inScripture to turn us to the irra- 9otlxigur Bold, tonal creatures, when we depart from, or act below reaforr To