Chap:I 2. .fin Expofition "pan the soot, of Job. Verf.7. 209 To put a man toSchool to the bea[is,implies beattly ignorance; Ask, noir the Bees, they will convince thee, or (lop thy mcìuth, The Prophet brings in the Lord befpeaking Heaven and Earth! (Ifa.1.x.) Hear O Heavens, andgive eaF 0 Earth, ïthavenaerri « red andbrought up chil ren, and they have rebelled againfi nne ; So, Deur. 3 2 . 1 . Give ear O ye Heavens arJd I will fpea4 and hear O Earth the words of my mouth: Motes tellstfrepeople that the very Heavens and Earth thou'd (name them if t' ey would not hearken, Now as when at any time Godappealeth to, or befpeaketh the Heavens and the Earth, and makes them hiswitneffesor hearers, it is to (name mans deafnefs and rebellion, is if inanimatecrea- cures, were more ready to hear and receive inflruCtion then man. So when he bids us go, or fends us to inanimate crea. tures, to hear them Beak, it is to (name mans dulnefs, as if they were more ready to give inffruEtion, thenwe to receiveand en- certain it. Thus Solomon fends the Sluggard to the Ant, Go to the Ant,thou Sluggard: The littlePifmire (hall teach thee, there thou (halt learn a leffon of Laborioufnefs and Induffry to pro- vide for thy felf and rhine. The ApoRle faith, He that provideth not for hie own houfe is worfe thanan Infidel, becaufe the light of nature teache:h a man to provide for his houle : But we may fay, he that provideth not for his houle is worfe than a beat+,, worte than the creeping thingsof the.,earth, becaufe the light of nature teacheth,them to do Co. Go to the Ant, thou Sluggard, confider hei' wayes, and wife. Ifa. t.3. Go to the Oxe and tb the AMP., O tínthankful man,they will teach thee, The Oxe knoweth his owner, and the Affe his Majfers crib; as the Prophet (peaks to theHeavens and the Earth, he defres them for his Hearers rather than men; fo he fends the people to the Oie andAffe that they (hould be their Teachers, when they refufed to hear him. Ask now the bea¡ls, they are wife and learned enough todirt& thee in this _point. They fhall teach thee. Thefe words carry a double figure in thetn,either a,Profopopeia, wüich is the imitation of a perfon, or the attribution of fpeech. and reafon, to things fpeechlefs and irrational : or a Metcnimy of the effeli, Ask, thebeafis and they fhall teach thee, that is,Rudy thebeafis, and this knowledge is attained. Meditation is both the panghter and the Mother of wifdom. They who have no E e wifdom