210 Chap.t2. .44 ExpofWon upon the Boo4 ofJob. Verf.8° wifdom cannot meditate, and they whomeditate thall have more. willdoin. The creatures teach us when we thinkof them : they teach us, though not formally, yet vertually. They anfwer and refolve the queftionput to them, though not explicirely, to the ear, yet convincingly to the confcience Ask, now thebea,fs, and they fhall teach thee. laj;'fnodt z,t. Sothen,we ask thecreatures,whenwe diligently confider them, terrogatio eit when we fearch out the perfeelions and vertues which Godbath tnenru op:ra'>o put i -ito, or ítamped upon them : To fet our minds thus up- ßuá cr eat, ea- on the creattre, is to difcourfe with the creature. The que;4i- rum p fret o_ ons which manask; of abeafi are only his own meditations. Agpain nix. intui;nur ac' f .y , medita!nur. the c; eatures teach us, when we in meditation make out Col- nix homy ere- teltions and draw down a demonftration of the power: wildom, atoms 11i Cerro- artd gondnef's'of Goa in making them, or of the a filtyof man gar gxnado. eas in needing therm fuch canclufons and inferences are theanfwers deligeat.r eau 9 -de )1,,d runt_ and teaching of the creature. It is an excellent paf :tee of Flu znr, re gatec gutïi-ne, to this purpofe,in the io-h book of his Confeffi ois, I pat refpond, nt cunt the qucftion, Cairn he to the Earth, and to the Sea, and to the reif of t:mo p` efpicir Ye creatures, and they gave me an anfwer. Now if you would know guò+ útn ore what my ae ion was, it was the deep intention and con ideration I dinatiA fr' non y $ ` nyi ab e- bad in myheart about the creatures : Andwould you knowwhat their isqua fuperiore anfwer was í' their anfwer was that which Icolletied in my Medita- faprent a df -'n tians from their _reveal natures, qualities, anáproperties. So then fsrre, Aqutn to ask the )eafts, and tobe taug-rt of the be:+tts, is only in a feri- ous and holy manner, to let out our, hearts in Meditation ; and every true concfufion derived from fuch a Meditation, is the voyce and anfwer of thecreature. Ylocebit te,ï e. There is one thing further obfervable in theewords, Ask,the tea{Hsg; ex beajis ttnd they (hall teach thee. The Original is in the a ngular befiiis docebit number ; Ask the beafis, hirnfelffhalt teach thee. It is ufual in te cum "'mini Scripture to put a plural and a uiragular thus together ; though yuraG etdjan it.crore Grammer,yet it improver Divinity. Ecclef. to, a. Dead Flies firm- veinume b fingxlarú caufe theOintment of the Apothecary to (link; the Hebrew Noun rudtftributiofit is plural, and the Verb of the fingular number : The reafon of eor m gux.no- this kindof fpeaking is to thew that any one of the number a- mineconic- bout which we (peak, will produce the effeec of which we fpeik are ur. .'Taft&perdit, and îo when he faith,DeadFlies will corrupt, it notes,that any one i.e. guatiber or every particular dead fflie amongflies, is enough to corrupt p,rdere fuf-, the moft precious Oyntmenr. So when he faith the buffs will pert. teach, putting healts,in the pluaal.number to a V.ct b of the lin- gular,