Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap, t2. An Expo f tion upon the Book of Job. Verfì8. a t p fingular,it notes,that every particular bea(t,or every fingle crea- ture is able to give inftru&ion. And fo the fenfe is ftronger, Thou (halt not onlybe taught and inftru&ed from the whole congregation and afl'embly of the cretures, or by laying them altogether in thy thoughts, buttach one (hall teach thee, every one by himfelf (ball teach thee,the ]call as well as the greateff,the Monte as well as the?EEephantor the Lyon; the Shrimp as well as Leviathan ; the l fyfop on the wall, as well as theCedar is Lebanon; the Graff(' of the field, as well as the Oakeof Bafhan. So many creatures as are in the world, fo many Preachers there are in the world,'of thepower andgoodnefs of God. Andthe Fowls of the air, andthey (hall tell thee. 7.4iy Generali' This Claufe is of the fame fenfe with the former. The word [no ambitu 'fìgnifieaany thing that flies in theair,all winged creatures, both qu'cjuid per the greater and the leffer : TheEagle or theSparrow,the Ulrich iciern, olrtal or the Flie : Thou haft fwarms of Teachers, All thefe can tell Hance thee : Yea not only fo, But '?3'ytjT i papeta a ce- Verf.8. Speak to the Earth, andit fhall teach thee. Teri morn. The word imports a filent enquiry, or a fludiotìs Meditation rvitu N,tat upon, or about a thing : fpeak to it in thy heart and thoughts, or goicgnid ë corm in thy deepeft Meditations, as wagexplained before. There is a de vet ore e- ffet,nt Tranflation ; Some render; not 'by a Verb,' but by a nee Oota Noun, and repeating the Verb, ask,out of the former dire&ion, time p coll they give it thus, Ask every Slip or Sprig which grows in the Earth, nec non apied } and it fall teach thee: For the word Shuah,fignifies a Branchor fe meditariones a Sprig, a Slip of a Plant, any thing that grows out of the earth, atiofq; a£lus And fo the fenfe is carried thus,Ask, of theBeafio f the earth, ask mentales.Bold. of theFowls of the air, yea askof every Sprig or Slipòr Plant of rYp n ter- earth, and that (hall teach thee alto. So that as Job before i1ul Significat rent him to the,Beafts and Fowls, fo now he fends him to Trees quemlibet fro_ and Plants, that theyalto may be his Teachers. And yet he bath t,cem arbfèu. not done, here are more Mailers, !urn antherbara; Gen. a. 5. TheFifties of thelea fhalldeclare unto thee. The filence of Fifhes is grown to a Proverb, As mute as a ffh. Pi How then can a fi(h declare? Fifhes are fo far from forming Ìñnlri lìcaXnss up words and fentences, that they cannot makea found or the Mffaricaue, noire ; yet they have a fpcech, though theyhave novoice. euíTusfort, e2 the