21 2 Ghap.T An Expoli the Boo of jqb. erf.$; The Schollarsof Pythagoras were injoyned lìlence for five or two years ; herewe have a fort of Tutors whoare alway s filent. Thera fay not mach,while they fay little; but they (ày much,though they can fay nothing. A Fifh is expreffed by a word in the Hebrew, Which lignifies to multiply; aoçi to increafe as a Fifh is an He- braifm for a great encreafe( Gen.-48. 16.) The very multitude and encreafe of Fifhes, their huge (bowls and innumerable nem- bers declare much to us. I might infift largely upon chele Teachers.. and fhev you how eyery,creature hath a proper leffon for us, andwhat chore leffons are, I will give but a touch. If you ask the beajis, They will teach you to knew and own God from whom you receive fo much good, fo many benefits. That leffon the Prophet calls the Jews to learn from the Qxe and the Af e,lfa. t. 3.The axeknoweth h. it owrer,and the Affe his maj}ens crib, but Ifrael doh not )know. Go to the.Fowls of the afire, and they will inftru& you : t.That God hach a care of his people, becaufe he hath a care of them who are fo much inferior to his people. Thus Chrlit flipports our Faith, and `catters diftra&ing cares (ri1at.6.26.) Behold the Fatnls,of the air, for they fow not, neither do they reap; nor gather in- to Barns, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them ; a e ye not much better than they ? And as he takes cal e to feed them. f to pre- fer ve them,A Sparrowfalls not torhegroundwithout the will ofyour Father.; a are of more value then many.Sparrows; therefore be not afraid at the approach of fear. Will not God take care of you who cakes care of Sparrows ? 2. The ohfervation which the Fowls of the air make of their feveral feaIon , teach us to keep time and lea!on. The Prophet makes that nie (Jer S 7. ) The Storkjn the Heavenknoweth her appointed tirnes,andthe Tu tle,and the Crane, and the Swallow obferve the time of their coming, but my pecp'e know not thejudgment of the. Lord. When we fee theSwallow cantina in the Spring, and going away towards Winter ; when we observe theTurtle and theCrane timing it to exa&ly,do they . not teach us to know the time of Judgment, and the tine of Mercy,when it is Winter, and when it is Spriug,when it is warm, 'ani,when it is cold ? Look upon theearth, and learn, 3. The power of God bear- ing it up ; It is marvellous, even miraculous, that the earth Iho!rld;harag upon, nothing, that It (hould hang in the thin air, than