Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap.' a. ..4n Expofttion upon the ioc/ ofJob. VerI.8. thatit Should hang there, wherea tennis-bafl,yea where a Ferber will not flay without fopport. The earth bath nothing but the de, cree and power of God to bear it up. Howdotti this teach us the power of God, and the infinite ftrength of hi "s decree ! -.2. The earth teacheth us what we are,and what we mttft be,Duji thouart, and toduji thou fhalt return. Ask the earth and that will teacri thee that thou art a brittle Creature : Ask the Gi of the earthand that will teach thee t`,at thou art a witheringCreature. Ifa. }o.6. The voyce fail; Cry, and he Paid, what'hall I e y ? All finch is Grafi, and all the goodlinefs thereof as the flower of the field. 3. Toe earth calls as to fruitfuinefs, when we are plowed,rnanured,and water- ed : and that they who often drieking in the Rain of Hea- venly doEtrine bring not forth Fruir, are near unto cutting, Heb. 6. Lafily, All the or- attires teach us that fpecìal point which Job is upon, namely, That the Tabernacles of Robbers . prcfiler. F:,r job-having laid in the former verre, that the feet of the godly Elide, or that they are tramp:e3 under foot, that Robber s are ric i, and Qpprtffo, pc c,fper, he bids Z^phar Ask, the Beads, the Fowls of the air, and the Fiftiesof the fees, whether it be not fo or no. As if he had faid,Even sears and Birds teach us that it is thus among men : For are not the molt innoèent and harmlefs be.alis torn, . vexed, anddevouredby the more cruel and tlrorger beüJis. There is no defert in thofe, why they are advanced and profper: Neither,is there any fault at all in thofe,ivhy they are deíroyedandperifh, The Fowls of the air teach this alfa doyare not fee thegreate- preying upon the lefs : is not the innocent Dove grip't in the talons of the ravening Vulture, and the poor Partrige by the Hawk? The fea gives us the farne in irufiion, for there alto- the sharks and Whales, &c. fwallow whole fhoals of fmaller fyhes. As there arebeaft- devout ing be:fts, and fifheating fishy, : So there are men devouring, men eating men : There are: civil Canibals in 'every Kingdom of the World, whole Tabernacles areglutted withprofperity. Again, The beafts and birds, &c. will tell you that the Tiber- necks ofRobbers profper, if you put them this other q,ieftion, In whole pof3efon are mod of you? who is your Mailer ? Come ta the flacks of Sheep' and to the herds of Cáttel, andask,whofe -are yep They will anfirer, fuck a wicked man is our ?`.taller, a Robber is our owner, an Oppeffor is Lordof all thefe Flocks andHeard,. dsk the Fowli of the a r andthe Fìjhesof: the feci-, towhofe tables are _ye wa f E e 3 ordinarily.)