Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

iq. Cbap. t 2:An Expo f tion upon the rookof Job. 'VerC8. ordinarily fervedup ? whofeeds uponyou ? The f fhes will fay,we are carriedup to the ;rest wens Tables,theRobbers and Oppreffors ofthe Earthfeed upon us;wefcarfe ever camera thepoor mans Trencher,and but feldom (comparatively) to the goodmans Trencher ; thegreate[t fiore of us is fpent out upon the wicked, the Tyrants of the earthgluts themfelves withus, e fatisfte the lints, fat the backs, and fill the bellies of Opprejjòr Ask theearth for whom it fends forth Corn and Wine arid Oyl, for whorn figgives out her treafures ofGoldand Sìlver,together with her rich materials for Ornament and Cloathing. The earth will tell you, moji of my delicates are fwallowed downby Robbers ; zny filly andfcarlets, mygemms andprecious fiones, cleath andadorn the backs of Robbers : Thus pafs through every fpecies of the Creation, acid all return this anfwer to thequeftion in hand,The Tabernacles of Robbersprofper. Thus your thoughts may travel through all the creatures,aud receive particular inftru Lion Videbaruro from them. Zophar faid,chap. a r. J. Canji thouby fearching findout phut f apr:'nri- God ? Yea, faith yob, I can find him almoft without fearching, e- am exrrafines very thing I fee (hews me God. I need not go to the heights of rerurn afpet r Heaven, or the depths of the Sea, as if theknowledge of God $itum çállO' were not to be had within the boundsof the vilible. Creature: ßaß`'° mere. whereas indeed every created form, informs us of the Creator ; and everyobjet} we fee, is as a Teacher to the ear. The Apofrte games gives a Caution (chap. 3. t.) My Brethren be not many Mailers: Which we may understand either thus, benot Magifle- rial and Cenforious (as if every one of you hadmany Matters in him) towards your brethren : or thus,let not every one take up- on him to be a Teacher, or (as fume) to be a whole univerfity of Teachers. For as it is taid,that there are more Phyfrtians than fick 'Felons : Every man armoft will venture to prefcribea Medicine. So we may fay,there are more Mailers than Schollars ; There are more who think th.emfelves able to teach, then whoare convin- ced that they have need to learn. Thus theApoftie wouldnot have us to bemany Mailers : Yet we fee God hath provided us many Maters, even as many as there be Baits in the field, or Birds in the air,as many as there be Trees andGrafs growing up- -on the earth, and Fillies moving in the Sea. Hence take thefe two Corollaries. Firft,We who. havehad fo many Teachers,that we might know God and glorifie him asGod, (hail have as many condemners if we do not. Sccondly,