Chap.i a. An Expo_Pion upon the Book of Job. Verf.9. 215 Secondly, If they (hail be without excufe who know not Gad by the teaching of the creatures, how inexcufable will they be, who know him not in Chrift, who is taught and preached every day ? But the points of holy Learning which Jobefpecially intendeth, are expretl-ed in the two next vertes. Vert 9. Who knoweth not inall thefe,thatthe handof the Lordbath wrought this ? &c. As if he had laid, Though thcre are manifoldLevons to be learned, frill: the h3 edit, andfrom the Fdw/s, andfrom the Ftjhes, yet Icall }ou in a fpetial manner to learn that the hand of the Lord bath wrought this, and that all these things are in the bandof the Lord. There are two paints in thee two vertes which Job calls us to learn. a. The work of Creation, vert 9. 2- Thework. of 'Prefervation or `Providence, vert so. The work of Creation,Who knowerh not in allthefe,that the had of the Lordhathwrought this ?L 8nu if the hand of the Lord hath wrought them all, then thehand of the Lord Both difpo(e them all too ; which is the Argument he was upon. Who knoweth not.- That is every one knoweth this, or every one may know from, the works of the Lord, that thehand of the Lord bath wrought them. That the handof the Lord. Why doth he fay, The hand of theLord ? Was it not the word of the Lord that made the worki? The Lord laid, Let there be Light, andlet therebe Earth, and let there beSeas, and let the, e be Grafs, and all things were fo, now doch he fay here, the hand of theLord hath - wrought them ? I anfwer,the hand of theLord, is no more than the word of theLord ; the handof the Lord is the Power of the Lord, and the wc;rd of the Lord is the power of the Lord too : Only, herehe faith that the hand of the Lord made them, to note,, that the Lord made them immediately. The hsndof the Lordpot to a work, noteth his immediate work. Who knows not that the band of the Lord loath wrought thefe things ? that .is, that the Lord without auy help or alliance, hatla