t Chap. Exp Irath fet "uì?" this mighty frame o3' Ieaven arid Earth,that he alone bath provided and prepared all thofe which Éttrnifh it für tfe ttfe cnti act.sotrtnrodatìßrt of the fon of men. the it v job. V'erf9, Wha kncweth not in all thefe-? That is in oneas well as in another. The loweft as well"as the l:ghett works of God, Phew that God wrought them. Some pieces end parts of theWorld, aremore excellent than the refit, but there is enough in any one of them to (peak out who trade it. Hence Note, F.ir(t, God alonemade the World. Creation had but one hand in ir. The hand of the Lord hath wrought. Every work of providence hath the hand of God in it,and fame the handof God only. But in Creation the C,pream caule was all the caufe,that knows nothing either of fubordinate ca tires or of in{lrumental. Some have asked, with what tools or in(iruments did G (»d make chi -Heavens and the Earth ?' with what Ladders andScaffolds dig; he build Co miny ftories and af- ter iet up the Roof over all ? fob an fixers thefe fools, Whoknow- eth not that the hand of the Lordbathwrought them ? Secondly,The Lordbath fo made all,that the very things which he N tura!is 7172- t u;in he bath made,, proclain that he made them. S)ó,,144 r:cg.,r Who knoseeth not in allthefe ? or, from allthefe. Many works rrira!itè 'ex of provìd enceare fü done, that man cannot fo much as be fur. 4nimadve,-0 pc eced to have done them. God doth like God Hea2eeds nor. ,n , di ,,:. cb;?. lubtcribe his name to his work, for that his name is near, bit won- Dti deroas works decla, -e it molt be laid by way of afltrmation This rmprcaí- , Y > > . rr,ti,unccgigi, bath Godwroaght ; as well as by way of admiration, What bath i-c.ut a.',ferdrm God wrought! Now, if providence ( wherein finally man alts e;un fv c je rnx+r With God) ac`t la mach above man that thewhole is afcribed to God : how much more doti, Creation declare it (-elf to be the ` D` "`n foie wot k of God ? Who lz,norveth not in all thefe that the hand of the n,enpe quia Lordbathmade them ? ra-,r7(fo i lift it may be oh) fted, To tnd>_rftand that the world was ,. i lóle,:),t,:on made, is the work of Faith, How then do we know it from all ^70Je`a :r' or how do the creatures der.vmftrare their Creation . there? Saith not the Apuftle, Heb r. 3. 7 gh Faithróe underr l that the Wo- ld3were framed by the word oft God fo that things whtrb are ¡"ten`, were not madé things which do appear ? I ániwer, Faith