Chap. a 2. An Expo f tion upon the Boot¿ of Job. Verf. 9. 217 Faith gives the highett underfianding of diefe things, and there is fomewhat of there things which wecannot underfiand but by Faith ; yet die very creature doth demonftratè a Creaion. A. Chritlian knows in a higher way than a Phylofopher, yet aPhy- lofopher may know that by reafon, which a Chriftian knows by Faith. ABeliever is in a higher form,and hatha higher light than a Philefopher, though both learn the fame leffon. And this dothmore convince,not only Atheifts,whodeny that there is a God, Who hath wrought all there : but thole alfo who improves not the works of God : for though wegive God the greateft glory when we underhand by believing, yet we may un- delftan/ this principle by reafoning. The Creature well viewed by a natural eye, re Is the underfianding, that a Divine power once created, and (till ordereth all thefe things. Hence thirdly obferve,in referenceboth toCreation and Pro- vidence, Thar theLorddoth not only thegreater thing but the leffer. `Pral.r 4.5.6. Whatfòever is in Heaven, Earth or Sea, He bath wrought them. When are Primitive Chriftians were under tae heat of Pe: fecutron, they lived upon God under this Notion. 411, 4.24 Thou art God whichhall made Heaven and Earth and the Sea and all that in them it : for hence it followes, that he cakes care cf all providence is as large as Creation. it was an ancient Herefre, that, but tome of the creatures,or the heft of thern,were , made by God, and that, the more troublefome andwor(t, were made by the Devil.To which purpofe that Dory is famous,repnr- ted by outline, in his fiat Traliateupon John.concet ning a Mani- Anguff. Tull!. chee thatal guedwith an Orthodox Chrifttan againft the Creati- r. in Joli. on ; who having perlivaded him, t' qat God never troubled him- cum orthodox° felt to make little flies,urron thatconfeflìon cared him to confefs ?u muf cam dix. that he made not the Bee, toe Loc ft, and fmaller birds ; having't a diabolo got this advance a tage,he leaves not hit Sn hihr till he forced him jatl.m,compu: g g p Y hr fáreri eum to comers that God made neither the Oxe, northeEl,ephaut,no ÏNanicheruab nor man him kb,: 1 ne truth is, if we do not give Godglory in eodem failam making the trait of Creatures, we (hall q+iickly be drawn to "p m,locuftam, `den him for to making the reateft. As it is in finnin if we lacerram avem Y g } ing g á hovrm, make not Conièience of committing the leaft fin (I do not fay phantcm, at if we c m >ir. a little fin, we (Ball prefentl,y commit a great nein, an ut it we commit it out of this opinion that it is no great matter,if once we admit of a little fin upon the ground, it will F f quickly