Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. it . An Expofition upon the Bookof JOB. Verf. 2. 9 (hall fee, is it were, a lip in their feet, a lip upon their hands, a ?óti vetuti tin- lip in their eyes, a lip in their brows, a lip in their arms that is, gut font, ocrty they fpeak with all thefe, they move their hands at you and their its, nafo,fron. heads at you , and their eyes at you, as ifall fake. Thee are men to ore, bibs, p .% bus , cuvtrs, oflips, pedibus collo- Should it man oflips be juflified ? ] He fpeaks not of that great quunrecr.Bold.; work of grace the justification ofa fmner before God to be r4ncet caoefa, juftified' here is tobe approved , to carry the cause , or prevail in habeaY ', i- arguing. He that prevaileth in any controverfie fould be juftífied: dictaquiamut- Bnt(hall a man of lips be juflified? Muff he needs be thought to titoquus ? (peak truth , became he fpeaks much , or in greatest weight, be- Janfon. caufe in greatefl number Shall he bejuflified ? We have the word in that fenfe (Pfal.5t,.I..) 1 will confeffe, &c. that thou mightefl be juflifïed when thoufpeakef ; and be clear when thou judgefl That, when thou (halt judge and pronounce fentence upon me, thou mayell appear in'the opinion, and esteemofall the world to have done me right , or not to have wronged me at all I afore- hand confeffemy fin,and condemn my felf. So we may interpret that (Job r 3 i 8.) Beholdnow , Ihave ordered my caufe , I know that I(hallbejuflified, that is, I have laid my matters fo well , and put my butineffe ii tofuck a fair fiate , that I know I !hall come offwithcredit , Iknow Ifkall be juflified. And this is it which 2o. phar feems especially to charge fob with, That he hoped to get theGarland, andbear all down. before him with his lips, with the multitudeof his words ; as. if hehad said , Thou haft placed thy defence in windy words , andnotinfub(lantial truths , but this noise , this talle will Eland thein littleRead thou 'halt finde that the day will not be Wonne with words. Hence obferve, Goodwords cannot makeabadcaufe good. 'teretsnque pre diperentium viribus ele-' Words sometimes makes a good caufeappear bad , and a bad quentice pore- caufe appear good ; but when the rubbifh maliciouf{ or i no- fpate etiarrr per- , rantly cast upon the one, and thevarnifh cunningly laidupon the cnditioemuta- other , are taken off, both will appear as they are, the one as tar. Min. good as it is, and the other as bad as it is. O&avio. Again , Shalla man ofwords be juflified? He that fpeaks much may boner ensnare then clear himfelf. In many words there are for rnultiloquie ufually many errours. Silence feldome brings repentance ; and non dee, pec- it is but feldome thatmuch fpeaking cals not for much repentance. cat'tim. They that fpeak much, are In danger to offend much. Tobe Pure, Ç. He