218 Chap. a 2-. An Expo f tion upon the Boob ofJob. Verf.ao. quickly bring the confcience to (wallow the greaxeft. 'Tis fo a_ bout the works of God, ifwe deny his power in the work of Creation, or his wifdom in the work of providence about the leaft creature,we (hall quickly grow to a kindof Atheifrn,and de- ny or at (earl not hold forth with power the work of God in any of thecreacures, or that His handbathwrought them all. VerC ro. lit whole hand it the foul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. The hand which made all, keeps all that he hash made in his hand. The former verre holds out the Creacion,and this the con% fee vation of the world. Inwhole hand. The hand i, put for power, and.tobe in the hand of God,is to be in the power of God. Si wawa a Hence Obferae, deo,fana funr The fame power that made the World, preferveth the World. man7f4 um eft, When men have done their work, tit'ey put it art our of their gnod in der po- hands ; we ufùally fay, fuch a thing is in,or under my hand, that r 'fiat fùnr/ is it is a doing,( am at workupon it ; but at Coen as we have done cur arr¡fiaara our work,we fa fetch a-thin is opt of myhand that is l have done n manta artifi- 9 Ys g f Y í i sir Aquin- with ir; Man cannot hold his work always in his hand, but God doch. And there is a-necef iity that he fhould. The world would prepntly run outof its being, if it were not upheld by the fame handwhich at firft gave it a being; when man finned the world had ruined, if Chrift (bywhom all things were cultic, job. r. ) had not itept in to be the flay and prop of i*;by himall things con-. lift, Col. r. 17. He upholdeth all things by the word of In's power, :An'ma va vi- Heb. t.9. He is that powerful word which made all things,and he ßurcum fenfo upholdeth all things by the wordof his power; we owe the p fi fbifi ap- (landing of the world as much to Chrifl as we do the Creation of pens rrrrur it. irn whole hand hrrmnir qua v. =- vitur cum con- Is the Soul of every living thing. filio volueratit, pmnuanima The Hebrew word fignifiss not only the foul of man, but of eft in manx dear any creator c chat breathed], or the breathing of any creature. j7ara ut pvoduct Y Y iraab ipfoba. And it is put for the whole cotnpofitttm, the bodyand the life,,. bee csnfe vari. Every living thing dyed; So Mofes Speaks of the flour/. God put anf, in tar° thiirrlives out of his hind into the haud of the mercilcfs waters Yea