Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

r o Chap. i 1. An Expofition upon the Book, of J OB. Verf.3; semis He that bath nothing but.words to holdhim up, mull needs fall.. signifacat ali- You cannot blow away,either a mans affection or objection with quidfeorfmaf-your breath, but with your reafon and authority. fngere , mach:- narr, cogitate, Verfe 3. Should thy lies make nun hold their peace? andwhen thorn educere menda- hock fl (hall noman make, thee *anted ? (iron è cogita- tione ad Os. Zopbar rifeth higher in language f}i11,. reproving Sob, not only ®hRab. iti illi vi- ardoch' for the multitude , but for the faiinefs ofhis words. jic tiunr,quodGre- Should thy lies ? cí Aoyp7ra áxr, i.e. Famigera The Hebrew word is of a large extent; fignifying in the verb, tionem vocant toframe, faftion,and forrn -a thing out of a mans own mimic; and quod ejt }u fa foZophar would fatten this upon lob, That the words which he ftngere Ci al:ss had fpoken were only Il7ap t and wrought in his own fpirit, he warrase. Plautus vocat had receivedno filch thing from God, no filch.thing was never ap- bos Geruli f- proved by God ; the birth of all was but his own fleeting fancy, gnuos) Ammia- and fickly imagination. So the word is ufed (Nehem.6 8.) There saes, Marcel. are nofuck things done, as thoufaye bìcé thou feianefl themout of Ranigerh" thine Own heart ; Thou wouldeft put ine in fear ;sand bear me in L4'e call Each Tale-bearers. hand (faith that worthy of lfrael to his enemy fuborning falle reffnumge- fears againfi him) that there are firange plots laid, and many ad- ""s hominum verfaries combined againft me : but I perceive it is thy plot to tell /uivertagefta- epif, i z3. me of a plot. Thy information is but to make me afraid of that rent. Senec. Which is not , not to f cure me from that which is. We reade of Tetanus red- the moneth which jeroboam had devifedof his own heart, i King r z. dit tladdim , v.33. It is the word of the Text. Lies are framed and fafhioned, 1\Yugatorest out of our own hearts, there is the (hop wherein they are Galli tappellant hr; The heart is deceitful) above all things ; Adeceirfall dins s -a-, heart is aft (hop toframe lies in , which aredeceitfnll ware. Such dins Aa- cieaux. Zophar fuppofed yobs to be. V. Secondly, Some reade, Should thy toyes, thy trifling difcourfces .l,t ads ac make men hold-their peace ? Should thy tatling , thy idle tales generale women impale silence upon thy hearers ? opnd Hebr eos, Thirdly, The word lignifies the members of the body, and the rowans , mem- brum,cognatio- boughs of i tree , and by a trope the thoughtsand abilities of teemfsgnificans the mmde, which are to the minde,as limbs to the body and as quod cogitotio- boughs (hooting from a tree. I will not conceal his parts, faith aces in anima God of Leviathan Job 41.12. that is , What mighty members funs eanquerm he is n,a e up of.Some reade the word fo here,Should thy -parts be ramiinarbore, buc iliac pto- conceal' d, or, Should men hold their peace at thyparts ? As if had tenii. Merc..