Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. t i. ern Expofition upon the Took. of J O B. Verf. 2. Secondly Obferve. We fhould not forbear to own , no not a mock} and a .derided truth. thrift will be afhamed of that man , who !hall be afhamed of him , and of his words in an adulterous and finfull generation. When truth is honoured and applauded, it is eaíe to own it, but it is our greatefi honour to own a dfhonotred and a defpi- fed truth. Thirdly e lfockersfhouldbe put toPattie. Yea , Mockers (hall be put to fhame. They who raft .fhame up= on the truth, (hall have fhame cafi upon thenrfelves, they (hall be buried in (frame. They that lift up their heads again(i Chri(l a-, gainft the peopleand wayes ofChrifi,(hall be made to hold down their heads, to hold them down for ever. When thou mockeil,}bald no man mare thee afhamed ? If man do not God will. It is here enquired,why Zophar imputes their three faults,t.MuI. tiloquy. 2. Lying. 3. And mocking unto 7ob , What occalion had the poor man given for this accufation ? For the firft , nothing appears but this , which comes nothing lob fpake a little more then his friend Eliphar., and not much more then bszlaad, the difcourfe ofBildad is contained in one (hors Cha- pter J_b lengthened out his anfwer in two , except this will make it out (which muff be very poorly) I fee not how he over. a&ed withhis tongue , or failed in fpeaking too much. For the fecond , Some fallen Zophars fufpition of a lie upon that in the loth Chapter, verf 7. Thou knowei that 1am not wic.: led; As if he had obtruded that upon the knowledge of God, which was not , and therefore was not to be known. Thirdly ; He is judged mocking at the third verfe of thetenth Chapter , Is itgood unto thee that thoufhoxldeft eppreffe , that thou fhouldefi defpife the workofthinehands andThine uponthé coanfell ofthe wicked? But betides titefe conjeCtures, Zophar himfeif gives the reafon exprelly in the next words, For,'hot haft faid, My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in thine eyes : As ifhe had laid, If thou thinkeff that Icharge thee unjuftly,in laying that thou haft feat= tered lies , and art a mocker, 1 will tell thee plainly , what renders theeguilty inmy thoughts, Thou baft laid, My doo`trineispure, and I am clean in hisMot. But how fiender a foundation this pofition yèelds, to fupport fo heavy a charge (were it lobs (in terminis) in downright words, which yet bath not appeared) I (hall 13 .clear