Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

2q Chap. i t. .An Expofttion upon the Book, of J O B. Verf;4, any Tenet which is oppofed, but the Authour is forced to a great expence of time and pains for the clearing of his meaning trom . the miflakes of oppofites. Yea a man can hardly let a word fall in ordinary conference , but force mif- improvement is made ofit. When Peter asked Chriil concerning 3rohn Lord and whatPall this man doe? 7efusfaith untohim, if 1 will that he tarry till Icome, What is that to thee ? Joh. 2 t . 22. Then went this faying abroad among the brethren, that that `Di f ipleJhould net die ; Howbeit jefus Paid not unto him, HePall not die but if1 will that he tarry till I ,come , What is that to thee ? Fal'e- witneffes come againft Chrif}, and what is their teflimrny ? This fellowPaid, Iam able to deßray the templeofCod, and tobuild it in three dates , Mat. z 6. 6t. This was a meer míílake of the words of Chrifl, Th.2. t 9. where when he was demanded by the Jews, Whatfign Jheweß thou unto us, feein_g that thoudoeß thefe things ? He anfwered , Deßroy this tem- ple, three dates I will rail it up. Howgrotly did they cor- rupt this Text by their exputition ofit ! Chrifl faid Deßroyye, they made it , Iam able to deflroy ; he faid, This temple, meaning his ownbody, They fay, the material! temple, or place of pub- like worfhip : So the Jews Humbled at his words , when they fell lirft from his lips , as their reply telleth us , Fenny andfixyears was this temple in , and wilt thou rear it up in three dates ? TheEvangeliït explains him right in the next lme, But hefake of the temple ofhiebody. It is to be bewail'dhow filch mif-under- ilandings have troubled the Church and fervants of God ; and that fo many have fuffered upon Inch mif-uuderflandings. The Wifeman hath aProverb, which reacheth this abuse, though it be not direst to the point in hand , He that covereth,a tranfgrefon feeketh love, but he that repeateth amatter,feparateth veryfriends, (`Prov. tß.9.) He aims at tale- bearers, who repeat what tie! hear upon delign to breed jealoufies , and heart-burning among friends , or according to the languageof the times, to cajole the nearefl and the firongefl confidents. But we may apply it to they fenfe beforeus, That ufually they who repeat a matter, feparate very friends.; For who is it almofl that repeateth the difcourfe of another (efpecially ifhe hath any prejudice againfl the party ; or loth not meeffully in opinion with him) but he fpoils it in re- peating, and fo feparates very friends ? This was the fault ofjobs friends, they repeated his words , but aloft of their repetitions' were perverlions or unkind Gríticifines.upon, rather than cha- ritable