2:8 Clap. x s. An Expofition upon the Book of JOB. Verf. 4 AndIant clean. 1nZ d -0 The word[Bar] undergoeth a three-fold interpretation among 41,rundum red- the Rabbins. didit, terft,po- I. It lignifies cleanor pure. So we tranflate. etee livit, dilcrevit, 2. It figniues a Son or man-childe (fo it is rather a Chaldee sæcvox cum ; word);Prov.3 I. z. P Kiffe the Sonne and from this {ilium fignife- word Bar, a fon it is conceived that in our Northern parts, a rat, chaldaica childe is called a barn ; in the Iatin the fame word denotes a °' in ea fig- young childe, and pure or clean , and fo it bears fair to the inter- tionetan- retation of the text : becaufe howfoever a childe is naturall all. tum,Pf.z. :.P Y Pro. 31.2. re- filthy and unclean, in regard of the guilt and pollution of origi perisur. rife. nal fin : yet in regard of ans, a childe is clean, he is whitepaper, as he, path no fair. letters, fonoblotsupon him.. 3. It fgnifies elect , chofenor preferred before others (Cant; 6.9.) She is the onlyone ofher mother,fheis (Bar, the word of the Text, the clean one, or) the choiceone of herthat bare her. But how is the called the only one ofher mother,and yet the choice one of her that bare her.? if there be but one, how can there be any choice ? The original is, She ie theone ofher mother,.and fuch anone, as if the.' had ten thoufand to chufe out of, the could not chufe a bet- ter ; this would be her only childe, her flower, how many foever the might be fuppofed tohave. Ifaman who bath many children likes one more then the rat, he ufeth to fay, There is my only fon, that's he. One as good as can be, is a choice one, though we have no more ; yet properly a choice one , is thebelt amongma- ny. In this fenfe the word is ufed (Nehem.5. t 8.) where the bill of fare for Nehemiah his Tableis thus drawn up, Hehadfix choice fheep,&c. They did not take the flock as they came, but pic`sed the bellfor the Governours Table. Thus the word carries acom- parative fenfe in ir,pointing out not only one that is.clean,but one eta before-otbers.for his cleanntife, I am clean, In thine eyes; Wit; ttrtrr, That is, Thou, OGod, confidering, trying and judging me, I 9adicr tS'te/se; (hall yet be found clean.. It is an high challenge but we are not ss . boue eonJco..to take it flriffly ; Job was no legal Jufliciary he fought not righteoufnes in the works of the Law but thorow faith in,the Mefliah : He fpeaks here , as in other like places , one or all of three three waits. 1. In