Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. I t. effn Expofition upon the Book.of Ho B. Verf.4. our neighbòurs, that theygive us a fair tellimony ; ifin the mean time our own heart condemn us. Yea what though we are (like that generation fpoken of bySolomon) Pure inour own eyes and have aplàudite in our own hearts, ifwe are impure in Gods eye. It is moil defirable to be a white in the eye ofGod,while weare white in his eye, we need not trouble our felves much though we are black in the eyes ofall theworld. It is afmallitgwithme(faith Paul , i Cor.4.3.) that I fhould be judged o you , or of mans judgement , yeaI judge not my own felf, but he thatjudgeth me i the Lord. Secondly, Obferve, What we are, andwhat we doe is allbefore the eyeof God. It is a common doftrine, that God fees and takes noticeof us; But as common as the doftrine is in the mouths ofmen, the ufe is rare in the hearts of men yet there is no man foheightned in grace but maymake ufe ()fit. Chrifl himfelfmadeufe of it, Pf. 16.8. (Thewords were fpoken by Davidhis figure, and applied to.Chrill, Att.z.ay.) Ifarefaw the Lord alwaies before myface, Chrifl did not ufe this doeirine to keep or over-awe his heart . from fin (he was infinitely above that) but to fupport his heart in fuffering, as appears in the later part of the verfe, He is on my, right-hand, I fhould not be moved. But to us it is ufefut both thele waies, and many other waies. The neglel of this doftrine leaves us under the negl?f}of many duties , and opens a gap, yea floud- gate unto every fin. Durfl any mock God with out-fide and bare profellion , if the heart had fed upon, and thorowly dig.elted this truth cleanneffe and uncleannefle, fincerity and hypocrilie are in the fight of God ? How oftendo men flatter themfelves with this vain hope , that their work is in thedark and no eye fees them ? How often doth the Church-Athei£t quellion, like thofe (fob z2. 13.) How loth Clodknow ? Can he judge thorow the dark;, cloud? Thick..clouds are a covering to him that he feeth not , andhe iralketh in the circuit ofheaven. Sure he troubles not himfelf with what we do ; And though moll are ready. to acknowledge in words , that God Teeth' them, they aft as ifGod (like the Hea- then Idols) had eyes, but could not fee. It was that whichMe- lanfthon obferved of the Italians , You (faith he) are veryzea- lous to believe that Godis in-the bread, but you walk_as ifyoudidnot believe God to be in heaven. Bleffed is he that condemnethnot him- felt' by the truths which he alloweth, Thirdly9