Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

58 Chap. z t. e4 'xpoftion upon the Book, of J O B. Veres; that fpeaks h oftenupon a lowerground(though he Hand higher) then he to whom he fpeaks , and is fometimes weaker inhumane reafon:Now that which overcometh and convinceth, muff have an advantage and come in power, elfe there can be no viEtory. An e- qual] (in all points) cannot be a conquerour.Hencewhen the-Pro- phets delivered their meffages, they put Gods authority to the word,7hus faith the Lord:They knew all they fpake could prevail nothing. But though God give the effeît of mans word to every. man , yet fame men appear more untraltable_and unteachableby the Miniflery of man thenothers, they fit under it, & (pobly) have fate under it long , yet nothing's done , their mindes are as blinde, their wils as ilubborn,theirwales as crooked as ever. Man is not any thing in the converfion of any man without God i Cora c.3. v.7. but fome we referre wholly to God, having (pent much flrength and time upon them in vain.Some men have out- flood,and are the reproach of all The praiers and tears,ofall the counfels and admonitions of man , What can we do more or leffe then.give up fuch (as neer loft men) to the workofGrad ? O that God would fpeak. Secondly , Obferve whichZ^phar chiefly intends. That ifGodonce open his lips,anddeal withufoul, he will quickly bringdown hisfpirit andconvincehim. Man cannot hold out againft the fpeakings of God. Min is not able 'to withftand the immediate, nò nor the medi- ate fpeakings ofGod , z Cor. 10. 4. The weapons of oar warfare are mighty through God; it is our warfare,but the conqueft is from God. When he cloathes the word with his own power, and bids it go in his might, the ftrongeft holds of ignorance and unbelief, ofobflinacy and rebellion fall to the ground,like the farft ripe figs (}waken with the winde. When the unlearned or idiot comes into the alterably of the Saints , He is convincedofall , and is judged ofall ; for theferrets ofhis heart are made manifest andfofalling down on hisface, he will worfhip god, i Cor. Li.. 24, 25. What wrought this fudden change ? \Vas it the power ofmen ? No, He will report that godis inyou ofa truth.The man perceived God was there, and upon that apprehenuon his heart was fubdued, he fais down on his face and worfhips. When God works, the work is done. He works for us, and none can hinder He works in us, and we cannot hinder. The arm of grace in the word of God is invincible, O that cod wouldfpeak; Verte