Chap. t i. An Expofition upon the Rook, of JOB. Verf. 6. Gofpel is a myflery. Thegreat myfleryofgodlinefl t Tim.3.16. Now as the work of redemption is full of myfieries , fo are the works of providence ; How many hath God poled and ¡tut to a (land to read and pick out the meaningof his providential mo- tions ? why he afil:ß.eth this man, why he profpereth that ; why affairs go fometitnes forward and why at any time backward, why the deliverance of the Church proceeds no fafler, and why deliverance makes fo many flops and fiánds , why loch inflru- ments are laid alide and fuch imployed , there pofe and gravel the underflanding of man : nor can we give any ac- count of them till we go into the Sanéluary and inform our felves from the oracle of the. Word about the order of the works of God. Fourthly, Obll;rve, God only canPhew and teach us effel-Éually the ferret wi fdom of his. work! and ofhis word. As we learned from the former claufe That a word ofGods fpeaking humbles the foul : fo here we learn,That a word ofGods fpeaking enlightens the foul. God is the revealer of ferrets, There is a God inheaven (faith Daniel, chap.z. 28.) that reveal- eth [ecrets. I cannot interpret the Kings dream or fpeli the meaning ofit, but there is one in heaven that can , his name is the revealer of ferrets. If he thew them , we than furely fee them. Thou haft correíted me (faith repenting Ephraim) añd l was cor- refted ; and if God inflruh us, we fball be inflructìed. Thedullefl Scholar cannot but learn , if God vouchfafe to be his Tutour. He that made the underftanding can make its underhand. This is one of the articles of the new Covenant, Heb 8. a t . In thole daies Iwill put my laws into their minds;and write themin their hearts,andthey pall not teach every man his neighbour, fling. Know the Lord, for all(hall knowmefrom the leafl to thegreateft : God himfelf hath un- dertaken to be our teacher ; though we are unapt, dull and indo- cible , yet he hath promifed to be at the pains to teach us. His teaching doth not acquit us from our attendance upon the teach- ing of man,but afrures us that he will teach his,ifman doth not:and_ that while man teacheth, he will make that teaching effec ual and fuccefifuil. When he gives us the candle or light of his Spirit to read his Word by we read and underhand. And unlefhe he give us the candle or light of his Spirit to read his works by, we cannot reade them with underhanding. We are as ignorant in the btgok of the crcatares, as in the bòok of Scripture, untill . God.