614. Chap. t4.. An : Rxpofation upon the Book, o f Jo i . Verf. i3.' comforted himfelf purpofang to kill him, the advifed 7acob to flee to his Uncle Laban and tarry there, till his Brothers wrath fhould turn away, (Gen.27.43,44.) She doth not direr c him togo to Sfax, and defreprotection from him till his own wrath were itiirnedaway. Were it not fî:rangc,if a King beingwroth with oneof his Subjects, he fhouldgo tothe fame King and fay, 0 hide me till thywrath bepaft, yet thus lob fpeaks. Hence Obferve,; That our only, refuge from the wrath of God , is God him- felf f Nßthing can'hideits from the wra::hof God, but the Mercy of God. As God hides his people from the wrath of men, (Pfd. 27.5.) In the time of trouble he (hall hide me in his Pavilion, Ain the fecret of hifTabernaclefallhe hide me. And again, In the jhadow of thy Wings will Ima á my refuge, until thefe calamities, be over- part, As (I'fay) God hides his people from the wrath. of men, fo alfo from his ownWrath. When a Believer apprehends God angry, he knows not whither to go, but unto God : He appeals . fromGod toGod, from an angryGod to a pleafed God, from the wrathof God to the mercyof God, from God in himfelf to God in his Son. Carnal men have poor íhifts, when God is;angey they hide r nian ; Can the Power aiidMercy ofa Crea turc, be à covering againft the wrath and indignation of the Creator? Yet this is all the covering which a Carnal man en- quires after. The Kings and Captains (Rev. 6.) call upon the Rocky and Mountain, tohide them, That is, they apply themfelves to worldlymeans, ,to worldly helps andpowers, to thefe they cry, hide-tts frot?i, the wrath of God, but they know not what this meaneth, to;t lake the love of God a refuge from the Anger of God. Such a fpirit Chrift difcovers while he forbids the tears of the Darghters of lerufalem, (Luke23.3o.) Weep not for me bat 'weer for iqur delves, andforyour Children Why fo ? Sad dayes are coming, fo fad, That they Jhall fay to the Mountainsfall on pu,, jsd to the-Ali/is cover us ; Not as if they fhould think the Hillswould hear or pity them, but becaufe they could findnone to do it, and they might as foon make a Mountain move to their h 1p asmove men tohelp them. Ar-,aiia, Mountains andHills may taken there for the great- eft, powers and ftrettgths of men, or for snen of greatfirength and power : In which fenfe it is fa id in the 2d of Ifaiah, the day of