Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. 14. tin Exportaonupon llthe $ookofJos Vert 13. 6r5 of the Lordfhall beaaasni the high lATountains So then, to call to the Mountains for covering in a day Of trouble, is at bell but to expect it at the hand of man. Thefe are miferable fhifis. Good doth fo overrule the world by his Providence, that fornetimes the Earth helps thewomen (Rev. 12. 16.) in a day of trouble, but the woman (that is, the true Church) Both not cry to the Earth (meet men of the world) forhelp ; God makes the Hills and Mountains cover his people in a day of his wrath, but they donot go toHills and Mountainsfor covering againft his wrath". Davidputs the Qteftion (Pfal.i 3 9 , 8.) whither ¡hall I fly from thy prefence ? He refolves it prefently, that neither Heaven nor Hell, nor the uttermofl parts of the Earth could afford him a corner for fecurity, or a hiding-place from the Hand of God ;. We muff look for a proteuing band in God, when we are afraid of his fmiting hand : OnlyDivine love hides from' Divine wrath. This was shadowed in the difcription of the Ark, in which the Tables of the Lawwere laid up, (Exod. 25.) There the Mercy.. feat was put upon the Ark, the Cherubims covering it with their Wings, implying that the Mercy of God only proteus us from bis wrath. The wrath of God is caufed by fin (which is the tranfgref ion of the Law) but to Phew that Mercy covers from wrath, the Mercy-feat wasmade to cover the Ark wherein that Lawwas refereed, which difcovers both the fin of man and the wrath of God againft it. The wrath of God had never been revealed againfl man, if man had not finned againfl the Law, yet now, God fits between the Cherubims over theMercy-feat, -- to cover that Law which through fin caufeth wrath ; With one band he gives a Law, and with another hand he hid us from wrath : Ont of his handwent a fiery Law, (l)eut, 3 3. 2.) And oat of his Hand went a fhining Gofpel and with that a Sun of Rightepufnefs with healing in his wings : When that fire would burnus, this Sunwarms us, while the flames of that would confume us, the Wings of this overfhadowed us, and hide us till the wrathof God be pail. Thus our hiding from the wrath of God is in the love of God. Hence alfo that gracious invi tation, (Ifa 26.20.) Come my people enter intoyour Chambers, un til the Indignationbe overpaf T bofe Chambers into which God invited his people, are noneother but himfelf ; When they could Te. till. lib. not build, or find out Chambers to hide there elves while his 0e refur.cur indignation fmoaked,, himfeif will be their Chambers. One of nis;_Bold.. t! e.