61.6 Chap.4. An Expofrtionupon the Book. of Jos Verf. 13, the Ancients interprets thofe Chambers to be the Grave, into which the Saints fhould willingly go to hide themfelves in the timeof _Anticnrifls rage, of which he conceives that to be a Pro- phecy. However, we arefire The Name of the Lord is not only ahiding Chamber,but aflron Tower, the Righteous run into itand arefafe. O that thou wouldefbideme until thywrath be p4. Thirdly, yob perceiving a form of wrath about him, dares not bide it, but.feeks ahiding place. Hence Obferve, Mnn is not able to bear the wrath of God; or to Handbefore God when he isangry. yobwas a man of unfpotted Integrity, Perfe&, Upright, fear- ing God , efchewing evil , yet he was afraid , when God ap- peared in wrathful difpenfations. The wrathof God as threat- tied in the Word is fleighted by unbelievers, but when it is felt ei- ther in the Confcience or upon the Flefh, the ftoutef run and hide : The Love of God is undervalued by thofe who know it not, but a foul that bath once tailed that the Lord is Gracious, and lives in the love of God , this foul is fwallowed up with love, and values itmore then life. 'Tis fo with thofe who know not the wrathof God, their hearts being hardned : They fay with Pharaoh, Who is the Lord ? But when Confcience is awaken- ed, the Heart touched, theEye opened, then Horrour and A_ mafement takeholdof them, as pain upon a W oman in Travel, (Ifa. 2. 19.) They Jball go into the holes of the Rocks, andto the Caves of the Earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his Majety, when he arifeth to flake terribly the Earth. When God comes with terrible fhakings, they shall hide themfelves whofe rerrour made others fluke. The wrath of a powerful man is dreadful, The wrathof a King (faith Solomon) is as the roaring of a Lion, What is then the wrath of God ? If Rebeckahwas fo fentible of the wrath of Efau againft yacob, that the durft not venture into his angry prefence : What are they who make no hall e to be hidden from an angry God, or to have the anger of God appealed, and turned away from them ? Fourthly Obferve, There may be fen/'ble feelings of the wrath, of Cod, even upon thlfewho aredeareft untoGod. It is yob that prays, Hideme till thy wrath be overpafl : There ii.as indeed more fear of wrath among Believers under Legal" Admi